The life of me
Lying on cold steel with a window filled
with bars and wonder why this is the life of me
I lye and watch the sun set
and the beauty that captures the eyes
The sky filled with many layers of
color and clouds almost like in paintings
100 seen
But you have to be quick because
once the sun settles to the earth it
vanishes in meer minutes almost seconds
just like fire.
I can see as for as my eyes possibly
can take in and not help but wonder why
this is the life of me not being able
to rise and walk past the fences surrounded by
guards and sit under the tree on the other
side of the highway. I can see the nest in it's limbs
To pick grass between my fingers
and smell mother earth and feel her gentle
breeze. And wonder why this is the life of me
To contemplate and take in all that I never had
Never could be, wondering all over again what
happened to me and why this is the life for me
I feel lost and in a daze
and wishing that I could just wake up and
find myself under that tree with all this
behind me and knowing that was never the
life for me.
2019 may 28
2019 jan 31
2018 may 15
2017 jun 10
2017 jun 10
2017 mar 31
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