Oct. 5, 2015

It Has Been A Long Time

by Joaquin Jordan (author's profile)


My Life on Five Acres
Joaquin Jordan J-27277
It has been a long time


Wow, it has been a long time since my last entry, years in fact. Due to a spike in replies, two in four months, I am inspired to return. :)

Seriously, I have been very busy the last two and a half years. I am still living within the Universal Ironic Paradox of having a life sentence but not enough time in the day to do everything I want and need to do.

Since my last entry:
1. I have earned another college degree (AA). I have completed all of my basic education courses to become a certified addiction treatment counselor (432 hours, eight courses of basic training education hours).
a. Introduction to Addiction Studies
b. Pharmacology and Physiological Effects of Addiction
c. Case Management and Documentation
d. Addiction Prevention Education and Outreach
e. Dual Diagnosis and Mental Health
f. Group and Family Processes
g. Codependency and Family Systems
h. Substance Abuse in Special Populations

The classes were super interesting and informative. I learned a lot.

2. I am working as a California Consortium of Addiction Programs and Professionals (CCAPPP) Registered Alcohol and Drug Trainee (RADT I) #R4370115 within a Substance Abuse Treatment Program offered at this prison.
3. I have completed work on my evidence based Transtheoretical Informed Substance Abuse Education Curriculum (T-Step: Transtheoretical Informed 12 Step).
4. I have ran a sub six-minute mile (5.55)-PR
5. I have ran a 95 minute half marathon-PR

I also have started work on a manuscript titled, The Silly, The Absurd, and the Ridiculous. It is a collection of stories about life at Mule Creek State Prison. The title speaks to the fact that everything, and I mean everything, that occurs here falls into one of those categories: silly, absurd, and ridiculous.

On June 19 and 21, 2015, I will be participating in two fundraising events to raise money for Northern California Special Olympics. The 19th, I will be running in a four-mile race and on the 21st, I will be running a marathon. If you would like to assist me in supporting Special Olympics, please go to the following site and sponsor me by making a tax-deductible donation to Special Olympics.

Here is how:
To make an online donation go to: 5kforchange.com
Scroll down to Support An Inmate and click here.

1. Enter my last name (Jordan) and CDCR# (J27227).
2. Click on Search to go to the donation page.
3. Click on my name.
4. Click on the Give Now in the right corner.
5. Enter a donation amount.

This website belongs to Special Olympics of Northern California. CDCR staff and inmates do not manage this site. This fundraising site will be up the entire month of June 2015.

Thanks for your support.
Until next time.

Joaquin Jordan J27227


Replies (1) Replies feed

emma222 Posted 9 years, 3 months ago. ✓ Mailed 9 years, 1 month ago   Favorite
I really enjoyed reading your blog about your life on Five Acres dated 06/11/2015.

I wanted to say a huge CONGRATULATIONS on earning another college degree and completing all of those courses to become a certified addiction treatment counselor. 432 hours is a lot of learning!

It looks like I read this too late to make a donation to your fundraising events, but I hope that your marathon went well and that lots of money was raised for the Special Olympics.

I hope you're continuing to work on that manuscript - it sounds really interesting, and I'm sending my best wishes to you for your work as a CCAPP Registered Alcohol and Drug Trainee. You're an inspiration to others.

Have a great day, with hopefully not too much of the silly, absurd or ridiculous in it!


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