Nov. 3, 2015

"Bill Cosby"

by James Collins (author's profile)


*News Front

"Bill Cosby"

Where are the white protesters to take to the streets against Bill Cosby. All those rapes going unpunished all because he's a well known black man. Where are all those white women that would protest for black causes. You should be ashamed - if it were a white man that had raped dozens of black women you'd be asking for justice. There would be no settlements and Bill Cosby would be sitting in jail - right where I am for a rape that I did 25 years ago. The only difference is he's black with money - I'm white and no money - he's never going to jail for dozens of rapes and I'm never getting out. Where were my protesters? They were out [protesting] on the lives of black causes.


Replies (2) Replies feed

linda.andcindy9 Posted 8 years, 7 months ago. ✓ Mailed 8 years, 7 months ago   Favorite
Dear Jimmy,

Me, Cindy and Katrina just read your blog on your between the bars website. It was really nice to see you in June....One day we will see eachother everyday. I will be writing the parole board on your defense and so will Cindy. If you can let us know of some accomplishments you have made so we can add some facts in our letters. Thank you for all your kind words. We love you and hope tosee you soon.

Love cindy and linda

Also thank you for the card you sent me. Very sweet. Goodluck and hope to see you soon

linda.andcindy9 Posted 8 years, 7 months ago. ✓ Mailed 8 years, 7 months ago   Favorite
Hi Jimmy,I just wanted to let you know we got your letters the day after I talked to you on the phone.Not to bad! Funny how we found this web site. We ve been reading your poems. I think your talented! love you cindy

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