Freedom of Speech Is Not for the Black Masses, by: Myron E. Edwards, Sr.
Buck, Buck, Buck, Buck - I stole that sound effects of rounds being constantly yelled out
from a clown, like 30 cells down. But let me tell you how I can turn them sounds of rounds into
something profound.
The French & Americans are shouting "De Juis Charlie" - talking about we are Charlie, but
what about "De Juis Michael Brown," De Juis Travon Martin," De Juis Dontra
Hamilton" - and the De Juis's goes on... it's the new Black Anthem/ theme song.
Buck, Buck, Buck, Buck- more rounds nows some other poor Black male down, while the
world is hollering, "De Juis Charlie" - freedom of speech. But still no freedom of speech for
the step-father of Michael Brown, when the State of Missouri is seeking to press charges on now -
saying he was wrong for using his freedom of speech, calling for everybody to Buck, Buck, Buck, Buck
these bitches down. Hell, they called that inciting a riot, but taunting a people's religious views &
beliefs isn't something that causes grief?
If that's the case - Buck, Buck, Buck, Buck all fags, gays, homosexuals, trans-sexuals, trans-
genders, and any other damn, that's offensive. Freedom of speech though baby,
is what you yell - so Buck, Buck, Buck, Buck them sexually perverse people right to Hell.
Now, but really though - I like that brotha out of the N.YC., who used his freedom of speech
to target two police, Buck, Buck, Buck, Buck them blue uniforms down...since we cannot
get any justice for the voices that scream De Juis Eric Gardner, De Juis Michael Brown -
"De Juis Black Masses being Buck, Buck, Buck, Buck, Bucked down.
Yeah, I'm calling for some real retaliation shit, something that sounds like SOOOUP
BOOM, putting an end to law enforcement and the criminal justice systems targeting Blacks
like flies to shit!
Maybe it's well overdue, for Blacks to form their own Isis, Al Qada crews - now that's
some profound shit to contribute a few Buck, Buck, Buck, Buck "real" rounds to!
For more about the author, please go to: Myron E. Edwards, Sr., #258315
Waupun Correctional Institution
P.O. Box #351
Waupun, WI. 53963-0351
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