Nov. 26, 2015

Don't Confuse total Peace With Arrogance!

by Calvin Chism (author's profile)


[header of two silhouetted men standing apart. They frame the words in the header.]
Papyrus Collective
"Our Generation... Our Legacy."
Post to blog#6324.Calvin Chism. T-34897, S.Q.S.P. 94974

"Don't confuse total peace with arrogance!"

Dear friends:

Hello! Yeah, it's me again. Sorry it has been so long since I got off my ass and back to work. :)

Things in my life slowed me down a little. I will not bore you with the details, but I will tell you what I learned from it. As I always do when a year of my life goes by, I take the time to reflect on things.

Have you ever gotten so caught up in the web of life you become a droid? Everything is go, go, go! and there is no time to even breathe it seems. That's where I found myself over and over this past year. No matter how much energy I spent on blending in with everyone, I found it only made the haters try harder to disrupt my peace.

Total peace appears to radiate as arrogance to the people who are looking at me from afar. It does not bother me too much until that misconception seeps into my inner circle of trusted associates. I have been blessed in many ways in my life and I was raised by people who said what they meant and done what they wanted that made them happy.

I have found friends who treat me like one of their own kids. And with no judgment, often more than those whose blood is mine. That's fine 'cause I have given my all to to a power far greater than myself. Once you do that, I found that all you need will be given to you, and not how you would think or want. Sometimes, you may not even notice the blessing at all.

But we have to constantly remind ourselves of the truth we have grounded ourselves in, whatever yours may be. I believe now that when God said he would renew our strength, that's what he already knew! The haters will never stop trying to rob you of your peace. 'Cause no matter what you do, there will always be haters.

Calvin Chism T-34897
SQSP T-34897
San Quentin, CA 94974


Papyrus Collective
There are two types of death row prisoners: those waiting to die and those writing to live.

What About The Seeds?

When did we stop watering the seed? We are all in a rush to get to nowhere. When was the last time you sat down with your kid or kids and had a positive conversation, NOT an interrogation? When was the last time you told your kid how much you love them or that you are proud of them? When was the last time you sat down at the dinner table with your seed—if anybody still does that?

I bring this up because I have come to see that I too have a role to play as a seed. Being buried (locked away) doesn't mean that I cannot bear fruit. The world has given up on us. They don't see us, they have written us off. Their callous attitude has led to what we see happening to th last few generations.

Naive and antisocial kids filled with anger, hostility, bitterness, and self-hatred. A shrink would call it depression. But that's a felony! Our seeds (kids) just want to be loved! They want to be told that they matter, that what they feel is being considered, a part of the family and bigger picture. A simple hug says a lot.

The video games show no emotions. It has gotten sad. So sad that people would rather text you than talk to you on the phone. We are robbing our seeds of the human experience of connecting with other people and most importantly family.

I beg you, please! No matter how awkward or embarrassing it may start out to be, don't give up. You get out what you put in. What you instill in them is the truth that they will carry with them all their lives. Trust me. Love don't cost a thing, nor does a hug and positive encouragement. Because, in the end, it is our life experiences that make us who we are—and stronger.

Seeds need to be watered in order to grow. Even buried seeds can still produce good fruit, if given half a chance.

Calvin Chism T-34897
SQSP T-34897
San Quentin, CA 94974


Replies (1) Replies feed

TITEofCPT Posted 9 years, 2 months ago. ✓ Mailed 9 years, 2 months ago   Favorite
WOW Happy belated Thanksgiving Author and Beloved Neff. These 2 potent posts/Letters of Life have uplifted me to a Higher level within a few moments. The titles demand that U read NOW! The content makes U share NOW. U've come along way. "Don't Confuse Total Peace with Arrogance" the title alone answered a few ?'s about some Loved ones that I couldn't wrap my finger around, but it was the Truth in that Title and content that explained it. Great Wisdom.

The "SEEDS" piece made me reflect on my relationship with my own daughter, thank God she reads her Word everyday without me asking. I do need to step my positive more uplifting speech up concerning her and her Mom. Moms and Chris came thru for Thxgvn. 'Twas cool. Keep writing cuz the more U release the more U make room for more revelation, insight, more Truth, Love, acceptance and Forgiveness. I can often be referred to as Mr. DFK (Drama-Free-King) I'm not built for and neither is anyone else only thing is I know that. I don't even entertain it. Well looking forward to more Truth. KEEP STRIKING for God is GOOD no matter what, and nothing will ever change that. Christ up and Tite out~>

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