Nov. 29, 2015

This is a Test of the Emergency Broadcast Network

by Robert Russell (author's profile)



This is a test of the emergency broadcast network.

We should all be prepared for the test God brings into our lives. I've found it a great help to recognize certain people, situations, and circumstances as the test they represent.

God has recently restored me to my right mind after a bout of horrendous depression—what was for me, truly, my dark hour of the soul. He is busy growing me up like never before. I have rarely, if ever, seen with such clarity. I've had to purpose in my heart to take it easy because I find myself in a hurry to lap up all these newfound insights into His word, other people, and myself.

In the midst of this, I've been dealt one hardship after another. The person I was closest to turned on me in a manner which shook me to the core. That person was also my main source of support. Now gone! Then I was "checked" and basically, I inferred I was to be cut off from ALL (except one :)) other sources of material support—all this while I'm really at the highest level of sanctification ever!

The world... I must focus and trust God for my warmth and comfort. After all, He has proven He cares and He never fails me!


This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24


Replies (2) Replies feed

RussFamily Posted 9 years, 2 months ago. ✓ Mailed 9 years, 2 months ago   Favorite
This is a wonderful journey you are on, being led by the Creator of the universe, who loves you beyond human comprehension! I love you and am praying for you daily. Dad

RussFamily Posted 9 years ago. ✓ Mailed 9 years ago   Favorite
Russ, Thank you for the letters you've sent me about your book and Christmas greetings. I will respond in greater detail about publishing your book in another letter. I sincerely pray that your new ministry "Freedom's Way" will be a blessing to not only those being released, but to the benefit of everyone in this country.

Regarding your recent post. We all face challenges in our life by the very nature of our life journey. As believers in Jesus Christ, I am called as you are, passionately, perseveringly to a union so intense that words are useless. Christ's call to everyone is one centered with absolute clarity that to follow Him is a journey that requires utmost faith, hope and love. It is not just an invitation. Unless we choose to say "no," His love will transform us. How our transformation is achieved is His affair, and we cannot comprehend it. Our fundamental response to His call is trustful patience. To enter deeply into patience means accepting our lowliness and equally, Christ's power and will to transform us. Sometime's our helplessness, or accepting the ordinariness of our day, is the divine means of purification: all this can be PAINFUL.

By centering our thoughts and prayers in seeking patience, we affirm Christ's pure love as the power to transform our life, and affirm that nothing is left to "self" to want to push ahead to "take it by violence.

May the Peace, Mercy, Grace and Love of our Savior always embrace you.

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