Sept. 23, 2016

What a beautiful day!

by Rhonda J. Bays (author's profile)


March 22, 2016 (Sept 8, 2016. I forgot to mail this. I have more to send next week.)
What a beautiful day! It is the first week of spring today. I am sitting at a picnic table outside in the cool (70*) fresh air. The wind is blowing so there is a cool breeze. The lawn is being mowed across the field and it's like a perfume to me! If every day were like today, I'd never go back inside!
Haley turned 20 ten days ago. Where has the time gone? It seems like just yesterday that she was 13. Maybe it's cuz I haven't physically seen her since she was 13. That could be it... At any rate, I am deeply proud of her, as I am Laura also. Haley lives at Job Corps and is studying phlebotomy and to become a C.M.A. (Laura is currently a C.N.A.). That's both girls in the medical field. I think it's wonderful they are in the same field. I believe she told me she was 70% finished with her studies but is going to sign up for more. That's excellent. I want her to be able to get a good job in her field so she will have a secure future.


[a small quote card reads: "WRITING... One does not only wish to be understood when one writes; one wishes just as surely not to be understood. —Frederick Nietzsche"]
July 5, 2015
Wow. Yesterday was fantastic (for being here of course!). I basically just hung out with my group of friends most of the day. I sleep until 10:00 and then went to lunch. The amount of food served was unbelievable. I'm a fairly large woman but who could have possibly eaten all that in one sitting?
Was mich nicht umbringt, macht mich starker. (That which does not kill me, makes me stronger)

January 27, 2015
I have come to the shocking conclusion that I may not be the best on keeping caught up on this blog. I've written in it telepathically hundreds of times, but unfortunately that method lacks much to be desired for the reader!

April 9th 2016
Yep, Its official. I suck at this! lol I found this in the back of my folder. I was gonna throw it away and decided- what the heck- I'll post it instead. Old news is still news :)


*Note: I am not posting this to beg for $$. Two people asked how to send it to me if they ever choose to do so I figured I'd post it here where it would be permanent.

1) Money orders: Make the money order out to: Rhonda Bays 27356-018

Any will do but postal money order is of course the best. Mail to:
Rhonda Bays
PO Box 474701
Des Moines, Iowa

2)Money gram: Use the code 7932 and my info.

3) Western Union: Use the Blue 'Quick Collect' form.
City: FBOP
State: DC

Western Union & Money Gram post within minutes. Money order the day they're received.


March (25 Things You Don't Know About Me) 2016

1. I believe in life on other planets.
2. When I go in the sun, I freckle immediately. The freckles stay even when my tan fades.
3. I have converted to Messianic Judaism.
4. I prefer the smell of gasoline, tires, and tar to flowers.
5. 27 is my favorite number.
6. I can't drive.
7. My dad is my best friend.
8. Sherry and Barbara are my other best friends!
9. My first vote ever was for Dukakis.
10. My first job ever was as a telemarketer.
11. My favorite dessert is baklava.
12. I have read almost every James Patterson book published.
13. Over the last few years, I have lost 70 lbs.
14. My favorite perfume is Michael Kors "Michael." (I have about 10 uses left)
15. I am super fast at solving crytaquotes.
16. I love old music from the 1970s, including (but not limited to) disco.
17.I have met the group, "Motely Crue." I was not impressed. I'm pretty sure neither were they.


March 2016 #2
[a magazine clipping reads "CHOOSE TO STAND OUT"]
18. My favorite cartoon of all times is The Pink Panther.
19. I'm allergic to: wasp stings, morphine, Keflex, sulfa drugs, penicillin, cilantro, nutmeg, latex, and am sensitive to aspartame and dairy products.
20. I love to walk in light rain.
21. I'm a cat person. My ideal job would be at the Cat Protection Society.
22. One of the best feelings in the world to me was being at the fair with my family on a crisp cool evening. (or theme park)
23. I am clueless on how to play any card games or board games.
24. If I could have an "extra" day in life, I'd want it to be spent with: my Momma, Granny, and Aunt Gail.
25. I love to write. I've had articles published in 2 magazines so far.

[a photo of clouds with text written in a beam of light reads "God speaks to those who take time to listen, and He listens to those who take the time to pray!"]

Thoughts to ponder

Breaking news: 'Man lucky to be alive after being hit by train'. I think I'm luckier - I've never been hit by a train.
It's a shame stupidity can't be converted to a usable energy source.


I have a Job!!!!!

Woo Hoo!!! I am currently gainfully employed. :-) Okay—the gainfully part is actually a matter of perspective. I make a 5-figure salary per year. Unfortunately, that is also counting the decimal point! LOL!!! It only pays 12.00 per month, but that is okay. I am still medically unassigned but it is not really a regular job. All I do is teach 3 classes per week over at recreation. They are hobby craft classes. This month, I am teaching the fine arts of: rug braiding, making dream catchers, and painting. Those are three things that I really enjoy so to even be paid for them at all is awesome!! Now I just need a job that pays me to drink coffee...

The rug braiding I have never done before in my life until about 2 weeks ago and the lady who would normally teach it decided not to so that put me in her spot. It is kind of fun. We don't actually have the standard materials for it but we are making it. The dream catchers I am very good at. I have been making those for other people for about 5 years now. I can do different designs in the middle now—several types of stars and such. On the painting I do not exactly rank right up there with Monet but I get by. Yesterday was my first class. I taught the color wheel, monochromes, tints, hues, and etc. Then I taught the one-stroke method. We are having lots of fun with it. I think the hobbycraft department is very therapeutic. I highly recommend it to anyone here.


Replies (2) Replies feed

Nicole414 Posted 7 years, 11 months ago. ✓ Mailed 7 years, 11 months ago   Favorite
I never thought I would bring myself to actually reaching out to you to ask you this question. WHY?!
I have never experienced such utter disgust & betrayal. YOU of all people. I'd like to think I would be able to forgive you someday but that seems impossible. -Nicole Marie

Rhonda J. Bays Posted 7 years, 9 months ago.   Favorite
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