Nov. 16, 2016

Hello out there!

by William Goehler (author's profile)


Hey out there! 6 November 16

Setting the clocks back one hour today inspires me to write about
It is almost prophetic, regarding the condition of (c-e) Mankind, who mostly see this event as
an opportunity to sleep-in an extra hour. How in your world is "Lost time" equated to an
extra hour? Lost time is just that; LOST!
Are to imagine all live lost - in the lost time these past 20 years in Purgatory? Dare
listen to METALLICA 'ONE', when you feel like you've lost... an opportunity to sleep-in...
or opportunities to LIVE, and CONTRIBUTE to LIFE?

In here; Some dope-fiend pricker, commenting upon my stoical gaze the other day, asked me
if I ever experience "JOY" anymore... looking for buttons he has been unable to discover
apparently - in his lame attempt to "control" situations in his favor. "Sure I do",
you bestial idiot! I said, chuckling under my breath - since I've become such a mystery
to him. "If your definition of 'JOY' is: to experience great pleasure or delight.
1: the emotion evoked by well-being, success or good fortune or by the prospect of
possessing what one desires. 2: a state of happiness."
Which then of course permitted me to relate a story about researching where "HAPPINESS"
is located on the scale of emotion - where I discovered happiness itself is not an
emotion perse. It is rather a word which states a condition, and the anatomy of that
condition relies on INTEREST... wherein exists PROBLEMS, with the corresponding
Freedoms verses Barriers of PURPOSES (aka: The Game).
It's a real wonder, isn't it? We fabricate some sort of purpose, just to HAVE a part
to play in the game life - even if it causes us all sorts of frustrating hell (barriers).
And we relish the Happy misery of being occupied with something to DO+BE+HAVE.
Listen carefully, I said as I reeled-in his drug-addled soul: the condition of
BEING is defined by your assumption of - some category of identity. The condition of
DOING - via action, function, accomplishment, the attainment of goals, the fulfulling of
purpose, or any change of position in space! And the third condition, HAVINGNESS;
owning, possessing, being capable of commanding, positioning, taking charge of objects,
energies or spaces. These three conditions are interrelated, and given in the order
of seniority, where Life is concerned, Tyro! You're failing to consider our
assumed category of identity - correctly. You can't HAVE what you don't understand!
Here in Purgatory, where the purpose of Chameleon Parasites are very evident...
My 'JOY' is in applying the pedantry which overwhelms low-tone symbionts. And
occasionally the ostensible "Professional" (SP) Charlatan, as well! This is my Game;
culling out the cullying parasites, and leaving them with a mystery to admire and/or dread.
This is my JOY! The overcoming of not unknowable obstacles toward a known goal.FLAT LUX!
Let the dead bury the dead, Jesus said (Matt 8:22). Alas, prudence decrees we grant the
mediocre their mediocrity!
There is a certain pleasure in identifying the degree of aptitude Aspirants display though.
And then providing the catalyst they need... but the real "JOY" is in WINNING, in my
personal struggles to make things go right - TO BE victorious... where I WILL
to ascend!
I DO! Even with two consecutive 25 yrs to life sentences, life is still merely a game
- with its freedoms, barriers and purposes. Ever on the prowl to engage in some activity
in order to maintain interest in living "it". TO BE... CAUSE of EFFECT. The anatomy
of Happiness - is all in the degree of INTEREST then, isn't it? The interest in playing
a game. And the bigger ordeals - the grander we BE! Very interesting:
BEING... seems to be simply a viewpoint
DOING... merely creating effects
HAVING... the result.

We are the CREATOR *wherever our interest is*, don't you see.

Before the beginning was a CAUSE and the entire purpose of the CAUSE was the
In the beginning and forever to the DECISION and the DECISION is TO BE.

Ergo; BE blessed, in every way! Your viewpoint is your decision, everyday!
For the love of truth.

PS - Having succeeded in arousing the interest of scientology officials to take more
responsibility in providing opportunities to ward rehabilitation inside prisons, I've
once again decided to develop my aesthetic ability. In tribute to between the
bars for this venue of self-expression, it is appropriate I present my first pastel piece
titled: *Noosphere Bypass*, with much love and gratitude.


Replies (3) Replies feed

HMB617 Posted 8 years, 1 month ago. ✓ Mailed 8 years, 1 month ago   Favorite
You are a lovely artist, William! Thank you for sharing your literary and aesthetic talents. Sending you all the best, - HMB

William Goehler Posted 7 years, 11 months ago.   Favorite
(scanned reply – view as blog post)

Ash74Moneyy Posted 7 years, 3 months ago. ✓ Mailed 7 years, 3 months ago   Favorite
Thanks for writing and your beautiful picture! I finished the transcription for your post. Keep up the great work!

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