Dec. 24, 2016

Dearest son + Family

From Innocence Betrayed by Raymond D. Cooke (author's profile)
This post is in reply to comments on:  PAR For the Course thumbnail
PAR For the Course
(April 1, 2011)


Reply ID: vvg6
Dec. 14, 2016

Dearest son and family,

I received your first reply some 5 plus years ago. You yourself said, "I will come revisit someday to talk face-to-face. I'm not sure how or when too. But for now this will work."

To date, I've replied 5-6 times to the correct address and have gone as far to contact the manager of the site, Mr. Charlie Detar, to make absolutely sure my letters/blog postings to YOU were in fact posted properly. I have his reply right in front of me, dated July 6, 2016.

This time of year for me in here with NO ONE is the very worst punishment of all! Why write that you'd respond? You're a grown man, free to make all of your own choices. I must ask: are the rest of the family so dead set against me they've changed your mind? Please, help me to understand!

Hurting real bad.
Your father


Replies (3) Replies feed

Blessed Posted 7 years, 7 months ago. ✓ Mailed 7 years, 6 months ago   Favorite
You don't have the right to call yourself our father. My mother raised us. My family hold no ill will to you but you have made your own cold Steel bed, now you must lay in it. We are all grown with our own lives and families that we must give priority to. I don't speak for my 3 Brothers but as for Me, the only girl, I hope you have found the Lord and spend your days in prayer. If you have the Lord you are never truly alone. And he will easy any pain or guilt you carry. I have forgiven your sins Ray, with only the help of my mother and the Lord. I have never responded to you in the past but have read your letters over the years. I have been praying alot about the situation and the Lord has guided me to approach this situation very differently than I normally have in the past. Get with God. & I will continue to reply to you. Be real...

You know who.

Raymond D. Cooke Posted 7 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
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Raymond D. Cooke Posted 7 years, 5 months ago.   Favorite
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