February 11, 2017
Unseen Power
Sorry it's been so long since I've wrote. A lot of family problems. But I'm back and ready. Real talk away.
She walks with the sway of her hips that shows the curves of her body, which draws the attention of the onlooking men. Is this the type of attention women should want from men? No. Because the only thing on is mind is sex only, which means he's into your body but not you.
So, at the end of the day, you're gonna get your feelings and emotions hurt. For what reason? Attention or lust.
The power women hold is right in front of their face. You control and possess the most angelic gift. Real talk always. I'm telling you that real men love a woman who loves herself and understands how precious and unique you are to this world and earth. Build who you are from the inside, not your gifts on the outside.
You're the only one who can control you. No one else. So fight for you before you fight for someone else.
Because once you've come to love yourself, you'll never need another to love for you. It's then and only then that you'll be able to open that door to your heart and accept love from another person. Real talk always.
This women empowerment month on my blog: http://betweenthebars.org/blogs/6558/
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