
Activity: 121 comments, 1 favorites


  • What ever happened to learning a lesson! It seems that being incarcerated is not enough to make you decide that being a criminal is not the best lifestyle choice. You feel entitled to be educated (seems that didn't work when you went to school) or attend vocational classes. What ever ...
    on Justice: A Dish Served Hot in America by Daniel Labbe June 15, 2013
  • What a thoroughly unpleasant person you are! You will use the deaths of 2 men to feed your hate for the system and the total inadequacy that is your life past and present. And the Beat(down) Goes On: Ken Seguin You do recognise that post don't you. He is every ...
    on A Brief History of Shirleyworld - The Madness Journals - Chapter III by Timothy J. Muise Aug. 4, 2013
  • No matter how capriciously or arbitrarily you feel it is capital murder is one of the punishments that may be applied to a range of crimes. The prosecutor may elect to seek the death penalty in a case but he was not the person who elected to commit the crime. ...
    on Capital Punishment by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Sept. 1, 2013
  • I am not sure what meds this deranged person is on but I suspect that he needs further professional help. W T F is Laura and why would I need to change my name to respond to your vitriol. Mirror....E F ? I'm not sure even he knows what he ...
    on A Brief History of Shirleyworld - The Madness Journals - Chapter III by Timothy J. Muise Sept. 26, 2013
  • Yada Yada Now where have we heard this before? Oh's Timothy J Muise and his Groundhog Day blathering. Paul.
    on A Brief History of Shirleyworld - The Madness Journals - Chapter XXI by Timothy J. Muise Sept. 26, 2013
  • Yada Yada Same old Same old Paul
    on A Brief History Of Shirleyworld by Timothy J. Muise Sept. 26, 2013
  • "I do understand what they must feeland it's a tragedy, but they must go on to forgive,do you hear me; FORGIVE, as the hatred they express will only make them live with bitterness all their lives." I very much doubt that you understand. This sentiment would apply equally to the ...
    on Denial Of Parolee W/ (5) year "Set Back" - Frank Soffen by Timothy J. Muise Oct. 9, 2013
  • Wall was appointed following the Cinelli fiasco. His appointment was 2 1/2 years ago and of course there will be all sorts of tree-hugging pro offender liberals who won't want a former prosecutor in charge of the parole board. I think Wall has helped to restore public confidence in the ...
    on Denial Of Parolee W/ (5) year "Set Back" - Frank Soffen by Timothy J. Muise Oct. 10, 2013
  • Soffen got second degree murder in a plea deal. He claimed self defense having shot Mike Perrot 6 times in the head and face and Gary Dube 3 times in the head. Do you see a pattern emerging. He is a poster child for medical release but that is not ...
    on Denial Of Parolee W/ (5) year "Set Back" - Frank Soffen by Timothy J. Muise Oct. 10, 2013
  • If an offender commits a violent offense society needs to be protected from that person. You don't say what your offense was but if minimum sentence is 5 years 10 months and you got 16 years it seems that your crime was substantially more violent. To decide that minimums don't ...
    on Thought Mandatory Sentences Would Work, Didn't You, Oregon? by Raymond Alderman Oct. 11, 2013
  • I disagree that you have met smart people. If they were that smart they would have used their intelligence towards a productive, contributing life. Instead they are locked up and even more culpable than the less educated, more disadvantaged. The murder rate in Chicago is a national disgrace. 508 persons ...
    on Untitled by Marcus Harris Oct. 15, 2013
  • I had a rewarding career putting myself in harms way to defend others. You, on the other hand, had a profligate career as a self indulging drug user, criminal and ultimately ending up in prison for murder. Not much difference between us then! Your religious epiphany says it all. Selective ...
    on A Brief History of Shirleyworld - The Madness Journals - Chapter III by Timothy J. Muise Nov. 8, 2013
  • A mistake is turning right instead of left. A mistake is getting vanilla ice cream instead of chocolate chip. Raping and murdering an innocent 21 year old girl is not a mistake! Claiming innocence for decades further diminishes the worth of the victim in the eyes of the murderer and ...
    on Two Wrongs, Make It Right by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Nov. 29, 2013
  • We always hear the old 'mistakes' mantra. This is the justification used by criminals for their crime. In reality the only mistake they can claim is getting caught. To be some kind of mathematical genius and not use that to further enhance their lives is plain stupid. To believe that ...
    on Untitled by Marcus Harris Nov. 29, 2013
  • Best of luck with 'Bread & Water'. What Einstein thought that one up? Let me guess! Civil disobedience the Occupy Prisons debacle. I suppose it is feasible to have a presence inside and outside the State House but won't they miss each other? No matter how much you hate.......come ...
    on A Brief History Of Shirleyworld-The Madness Journals by Timothy J. Muise Nov. 30, 2013
  • Street Level things...........for real. A shootout in the hood..........and you don't think you should be on the row for that. Every year black on black murders are the biggest crime statistic in the country. Hundreds of innocents slaughtered along with the bangers and that's just a street level thing. No ...
    on @Golgotha w/ Bandito by Floyd Smith Jan. 2, 2014
  • "XZ Oh, before we get into this, I'm going to say one name and you say the first thing that comes to your brain... George Zimmerman SC Racist murderer XZ Now we got that out in the universe, I'll back that up with a "Fuck'em," and that should be the ...
    on @Golgotha w/ Scrappy Dog by Floyd Smith Jan. 2, 2014
  • "Anyone who is that angry is not angry at external things: they are angry at self. They hate themselves but cannot allow themselves to cognate that,it is too painfull to grasp, so they employ the defense mechanism of displacement. Their anger is displaced on those they force themselves to view ...
    on A Brief History of Shirleyworld - The Madness Journals - Chapter IXXX by Timothy J. Muise Jan. 14, 2014
  • These people aren't fools. They get begging letters all the time and recognize when someone is running game on them. The sheer number of letters you send out show it up as a scam and these pastors probably talk to each other. I wouldn't be surprised if they had some ...
    on Fake Christmas by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Jan. 17, 2014
  • "It just sucks that taxpayers have to pay for the mistakes of those they put in office—when it should be the lawmakers and law-servants themselves that become financially liable. When a solicitor, assitant solicitor, or like in my case and assistant to an assistant solicitor, cops, all make a mistake ...
    on Prison Woes: PCR, Post Conviction Relief by Johnny E. Mahaffey Jan. 18, 2014
  • The four people these 3 "old men" murdered are still dead and their families and friends still grieve for them. No compassionate release for them. The widow of Officer Edward C. Callahan, who Ladetto shot to death has endured 50 years without a husband and father and no end in ...
    on Change In Spite Of Oppression by Timothy J. Muise Jan. 24, 2014
  • Bill Happ was not a child who made a mistake. He was 24 years old. William Happ smashed Angela Crowleys car window and kidnapped her. He beat her, raped her and strangled her with her pants before throwing her body into a canal. That was not an act that took ...
    on It's Not What It Is by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Jan. 26, 2014
  • Your claim that Hatch shot Mr. Willis is not supported by the record and you were convicted of the murder. You, like Happ, have been denying it for 24 years. Hatch did not reject his plea deal and served his time. You also seem to forget your other robbery and ...
    on Two Wrongs, Make It Right by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Jan. 26, 2014
  • This is something you should talk to psych about. It is called 'Narcissistic Personality Disorder' You believe that using your full name lends gravitas and authority to your drivel. In fact it is a barrier to your audience. It feels a bit ostentatious, even priggish. Us mere mortals can get ...
    on A Brief History of Shirleyworld - The Madness Journals - Chapter III by Timothy J. Muise Feb. 1, 2014
  • Hi Jack.............I am truly sorry for the loss of your friend. Loss does not recognize razor wire and bars. We all feel that pain at some time. Words will not turn back the clock and you already know all that can be said to try to ease your suffering. Just ...
    on Dealing With Loss In Prison by Jack McFadden Feb. 11, 2014
  • It always comes down to the system being wrong and revenge/retribution being unjust. Poor death row inmates..........what about our family and friends that the system are making victims. It costs more to kill us than to house us. It's like a broken record. The fact is that you all either ...
    on Pondering It All... by Charles Thompson March 4, 2014
  • You are absolutely right. It is open season on minorities. However, if any of those names mentioned had been killed by a black person they would not have made the headlines. In the 503 days between the shooting of Trayvon Martin and the Zimmerman verdict 10,865 blacks were murdered by ...
    on Open Season by Daniel Gwynn March 12, 2014
  • Here we go again.........always someone else to blame. If they let you recreate on your own that would also be a problem. Would you have been happy to report that they pepper-sprayed you and everyone else on the yard or that you were hit by a gas ball gun? Stand ...
    on Update by Ronald W. Clark, Jr March 14, 2014
  • @Bethanie11, I can only assume by your comment that you are not familiar with Mr. Clark and his cases. He was not stereotyped (or is profiled the new hip expression.) Perhaps a little research would open your mind to the possibility that he is trying to shift responsibility (again). He ...
    on Update by Ronald W. Clark, Jr March 17, 2014
  • Just to let you know that "Little Buddy" beat 2 co-workers, Phyllis Harris and Janet Thermidor, with a hammer and then burnt them alive. Janet Thermidor identified him and did not die for 12 hours. Seems that one of the witnesses thought their death was cruel and unusual. All for ...
    on Daily Journal (Mar. 17-23, 2014) by Ronald W. Clark, Jr April 4, 2014
  • The fact that you did not succeed in slaughtering both Darren Cain and Dennise Hayslip at the same time is incidental to the fact that it was your intention. Kelly Seigler is not in a position to tell a victims daughter anything. It is arrogant and presumptious. Prosecutors had the ...
    on Pondering It All... by Charles Thompson April 11, 2014
  • seems that you believe that everything that has happened since 1700 is a conspiracy to keep the black race down. You have swallowed the race-baiters narrative hook, line and sinker. The idea that black failure is caused by white racism is out-dated and a cop out. The fact that ...
    on Open Season by Daniel Gwynn April 23, 2014
  • Is Willie Lynch's Letter Real? May 2004 Q: Is Willie Lynch's letter real? If it is real it is one of the most important documents related to African Americans. -- Gloria Jenkins, Big Sandy, Texas A: There are many problems with this document - not the least of which is ...
    on Open Season by Daniel Gwynn April 23, 2014
  • On a more practical level, the speech is filled with references that are questionable if not completely inaccurate. Lynch makes reference to an invitation reaching him on his "modest plantation in the West Indies." While this is theoretically possible - the plantation system was well established in the Caribbean by ...
    on Open Season by Daniel Gwynn April 23, 2014
  • Early America was incredibly violent in general - stemming in part from the endemic violence in British society and partly from the violence that tends to be associated with frontier societies. For most of its history, lynching was a non-racial phenomenon - in fact, it most often directed at white ...
    on Open Season by Daniel Gwynn April 23, 2014
  • Given your history and cases you are probably the least qualified person to preach about compassion. If you had been a member of the Baptist church perhaps you wouldn't be where you are. Paul
    on Southern Baptist by Ronald W. Clark, Jr May 23, 2014
  • Hi Jack...........good to hear that you're "having a good day". Being on an honour yard seems to have a downside as well. Stick with'll land a job soon and by applying yourself advancement is on the cards. Nobody should have to spend their time looking over their shoulder if ...
    on A Good Day In Prison by Jack McFadden May 23, 2014
  • You are clearly part of the biggest at risk group of uneducated drop out kids in a single parent situation yet you do not accept that changing that situation will improve your chances. You seem to know all the causes but none of the remedies. Quoting a 16 year old ...
    on Open Season by Daniel Gwynn June 10, 2014
  • Grievance after grievance............about all you can do. That and moan about being locked up for your crimes. All it does is take up staff time and cost a lot of money. You grieve about equality for all or shut down canteen.......BS. What about all those who cant draw or paint ...
    on Grievence Report by Ronald W. Clark, Jr June 10, 2014
  • With 75% of black children born into a single parent home perhaps the black male that responded is way out of touch. Perhaps "back in the day" white girls were seen as an easy lay but for sure the sistas is givin it up a lot easier now. No concerns ...
    on Untitled by Nasir Wali Muhsin June 22, 2014
  • Hi Tim......still spewing out your 'blog' I see. Nothing changed there (or anywhere else)then. I see your other reader gypsyrose continues to follow your words with bated breath. Joe Labs wife is Lynette as well isn't she! Oh and a flurry of eight comments from S Muise on the 4th. ...
    on Shirleyworld Updates (Chp. VII) by Timothy J. Muise Aug. 5, 2014
  • Hi Jack........good to see you are in a much better place..........both physically and mentally. I continue to hope that you will get the job that you want and need. Volunteering puts you in the shop window as a reliable worker and no doubt the powers that be will soon get ...
    on A Good Day In Prison by Jack McFadden Aug. 5, 2014
  • Seems a tad ironic and surreal that you should tell me to man up and do something productive with my life. When have YOU ever done that. I had a rewarding career putting myself in harms way to defend others. You, on the other hand, had a profligate career as ...
    on Grievence Report by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Aug. 5, 2014
  • kabe63 Repeating it does not make it any less so. It is a line from my CV. I am simply responding to an accusation of not doing anything productive with my life. You can't say the Ronnie has confessed to his crimes as he never has or that you are ...
    on Grievence Report by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Aug. 6, 2014
  • Don't you feel that this woman has been totally immersed in this case for 20 years such as to have been able to "evaluate all aspects of the process" The fact is that it was James and FIVE friends who mercilessly attacked Edward, who was 22 not 17 years old, ...
    on Juvenile Injustice by Timothy J. Muise Sept. 26, 2014
  • Hi there........mental case Paul here! Now you've done it Karen. The folks at BTB will be deluged with grievances and threats of law suits for his first amendment right to have people be able to read his thoroughly entertaining journal properly. I understand that you are College Educated (Bachelors Degree)(architect..really?) ...
    on Daily Journal (Aug. 25-31, 2014) by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Oct. 4, 2014
  • Karen.........seems you are demonstrating a little paranoia or perhaps obsessing (would perhaps explain why you removed your last post). SAH has been around much longer than I have and has a lot more invested in Mr. Clark. I believe she may be related to the first victim he was sentenced ...
    on Radiology Rerport by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Oct. 15, 2014
  • You're welcome!
    on Radiology Rerport by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Oct. 15, 2014
  • That would be ignorant with 2 g's. Seems a bit contradictory...........polite and ignorant (discourteous or rude).
    on Radiology Rerport by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Oct. 19, 2014
  • It's long and unfortunately it's a fake. Willie Lynch never existed and highly regarded historians have shown that the letter is the figment of some ones imagination. Dr. Jelani Cobb and Dr. Manu Ampim (who has written a book on the subject)are just two of them. Paul
    on Untitled by Michael Lucas Nov. 7, 2014
  • I can't speak for Karen (kabe63) but I can ensure you that myself and your other reader SAH will not be flooding anyone with correspondence but I am all for exposing law breaking criminals. Paul
    on "Unlawful Use" of Disciplinary Confinement by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Nov. 29, 2014
  • Seems this had zero effect........Judge Wiggins is still the incumbent until at least 2019. And talking of waste, you are the one intent on stealing tax dollars with your dozens of $500 a pop grievances. And then you have the temerity to expect sympathy from those same tax payers. Paul
    on Ronald Clark Jr's Memo Re: Judge David Wiggins' Political Aspirations; May 11, 2006 by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Dec. 3, 2014
  • Judge, jury, and executioner! I'm sure your story is a parallel to how Romona Moore felt during her imprisonment and torture........except her outcome didn't end so well!
    on Boxed In and Buried Alive by Troy Hendrix Dec. 3, 2014
  • It seems that this is not such an attractive position as it purports to be. The previous 'communications manager' was not so much lost as dumped. I am sorry you have been treated so shabbily Lynette but it was almost inevitable. Mr Muise suffers from Narcissistic personality disorder and will ...
    on Request for Assistance by Timothy J. Muise Dec. 3, 2014
  • "For this is one evil country, abuse, misery, torture, human indecency" Seems, for some reason, you forgot to put murder on this list. SAH, I assume he is referring to Gary Mccray J01369 he had competency issues with his trial. Paul
    on Human Misery by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Dec. 12, 2014
  • I can't see anywhere that it indicates that no disciplinary action was taken. Perhaps I'm mistaken and the let you out of DC occasionally to supervise the running of the wardens office. Paul
    on No Accountability by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Dec. 14, 2014
  • BostonRocks.......I think you should be aware of the way in which the previous 'manager' was treated by #W66927 so I have copied one of her posts on the subject. "To whom it may concern, if you choose to assist Cure Arm, make sure it only entails sending out email's and ...
    on Shirleyworld Updates: "Let The Bullets Fly", Chapter IXX by Timothy J. Muise Dec. 15, 2014
  • 81055M.......I think you should be aware of the way in which the previous 'manager' was treated by #W66927 so I have copied one of her posts on the subject. "To whom it may concern, if you choose to assist Cure Arm, make sure it only entails sending out email's and ...
    on An Open Letter to Naoka Carey Concerning Juveniles Serving Life Without Parole by Timothy J. Muise Dec. 23, 2014
  • Oh Dear Timmy..........seems #W66927 has been left out of the loop. Whilst 'Commander' Labriola has suckered his fellow inmates into believing in his innocence, which myth he has perpetuated for 41 years, he has admitted to The Honorable Benjamin Swan his 'mistake' and understands and regrets it. I'm sure Joe ...
    on Free Joe Labriola by Timothy J. Muise Jan. 15, 2015
  • I think it is a really good job that you won't be hitting the pavement in your lifetime. At least our women will remain safe from your deviancy and your attempted murder od guard Brad Davis has ensured law enforcement will be safe as you serve your sentence until 2049.
    on A Right To Kill In Cold Blood by Joel M. Cliett Jan. 15, 2015
  • I seem to remember that the basis of one of your claims for a new trial was that you were not apprised od Dick Endres penchant for violence...........although you stabbing him 18 times seems to stretch self defence a bit far. And that was many years before Scott Walker came ...
    on Hypocrisy At Its Finest by Harlan Richards Feb. 10, 2015
  • 'Tip of the Spear' 'Wartime General' Narcissism knows no bounds. A cabal of half a dozen, promulgating the same old, same old that even extends to excoriating another lifer group. Shame on you #W66927 Paul
    on Cure-Arm by Timothy J. Muise Feb. 18, 2015
  • To move forward you need to take responsibility for your actions. This was not a ten second fight. This was a 58 year old cancer patient that was struck from behind and pursued into another room and struck again. The decision to dismember him was an attempt to escape the ...
    on Christmas? Or Just Another Day In Prison? by Robert Pezzeca March 9, 2015
    on To Universal Man: Michael Moore!!!! by Leon Irby March 15, 2015
  • Imagine being 22 and having everything to look forward to.........then imagine NOTHING! Imagine being found in a dumpster like some unwanted garbage. Imagine the pain that those left behind must endure for ever. IMAGINE! Paul
    on Imagine by Keith Nesbitt April 10, 2015
  • A DR for breaking the rules is not an attack on free speech. You use rules to suit your purpose but object when they don't. You are an inmate #W66927 and need to understand that you can not act with impunity. Paul
    on To Silence Free speech!!! by Timothy J. Muise April 21, 2015
  • Seems Islamists are the new Standard by which all other actions are to be judged. Mr. Muise grieves everything that, in his opinion, is an infringement of the rules. It's a 2 way street and when it's coming the other way #W66927 should suck it up like a man and ...
    on To Silence Free speech!!! by Timothy J. Muise April 28, 2015
  • Threatening to hospitalize women.....having someone else do it......coward and lame! You have a history of back-stabbing people. Very brave. Sneak up on someone and stab them when they can't defend themselves. Coward and lame! Solid dude......BS......I can smell it from here! Paul
    on Honesty & Repect by Joel M. Cliett May 3, 2015
  • It matters not a jot to me whether you value my opinion or not. I have said my piece and will not dignify any further discussion on Chris Kyle by participating. Being your first 'mean spirited' critic is hardly surprising. Aside from the very occasional person transcribing a post you ...
    on To Universal Man: Michael Moore!!!! by Leon Irby May 19, 2015
  • Good old Timmy..........never lets the truth get in the way of a good story. And never misses the opportunity of using the suffering of another to fuel his pity party. Paul
    on The Death Of Herbert Earl And The Consummate Con ARtist by Timothy J. Muise June 7, 2015
  • Well done beat a DR. Not the last you'll earn, I'm sure. The only thing missing from your post advising the world of your success is 'Nyah, nyah, nyahnyah nyaaah' or some such expression of a 5 year olds triumph. Since I am not, never have been and never ...
    on To Silence Free speech!!! by Timothy J. Muise Oct. 21, 2015
  • I heard you give it up regularly. Looking at the profile picture you look more like a catcher than a pitcher. Enjoy
    on National by Joel M. Cliett Oct. 21, 2015
  • Bobby Sands "A True Hero" You really have excelled yourself #W66927. One murderer venerating another.........typical! Sands was a murdering POS terrorist. His preferred MO was to plant a bomb in a shopping mall, to kill maim and traumatize innocent men, women and children, and be 50 miles away when it ...
    on A POEM BY BOBBY SANDS by Timothy J. Muise Nov. 6, 2015
  • Way to go Timmy. I'm sure that someone in C-2 can run you through a refresher on junior mathematics. 2 + 2 does not equal 6. I will be only too happy to cooperate with MR. Paul Henderson, should he contact me through the blog, in the likely event that ...
    on "Let The Bullets Fly!" by Timothy J. Muise Nov. 6, 2015
  • Joseph Yandle did indeed falsify service in Vietnam and used it as a cornerstone in a petition for commutation. He also cited rehabilitation and education (he earned both a Bachelor's and a Master's degree whilst incarcerated). He was the getaway driver whose partner shot and killed a man in an ...
    on Shirleyworld Updates, "Let the Bullets Fly!"; Chapter LXXIII by Timothy J. Muise Dec. 6, 2015
  • Your attempt to gloss over Steven Moutons charges is probably reflecting your unwillingness to accept that your own decades-long involvement in producing child pornography was criminal. His latest victim was his adopted daughter......not his step daughter......and it wasn't his first rodeo. He has prior charges involving children as young as ...
    on The Executioners, Part 1 by Craig Middlemass Jan. 13, 2016
  • Short talk would be right. No doubt your suite in C2 will still be available when you realize how irrelevant you become in the free world and join the 44%. Paul
    on A POEM BY BOBBY SANDS by Timothy J. Muise Feb. 16, 2016
  • What a vacuous response to a well structured comment by one of your only 2 fans (Hi Gypsy!). Seems that you can bash everyone that you come in contact with but the 'free speech warrior' fears the truth. Lets face it.........your self hatred, that is so evident that it does ...
    on Shirleyworld Updates, "Let the Bullets Fly!"; Chapter LXXIII by Timothy J. Muise Feb. 16, 2016
  • "Many of the readers felt a-paul-ing" Seems you're off your meds. There aren't any readers even remotely interested in your inane drivel. Or maybe they are writing their comments in invisible ink. Are you still talking to your imaginary friend? Like mouse isn't going anywhere. You do realize that ...
    on Shirleyworld Updates: "Let the Bullets Fly!", Chapter LXXIV by Timothy J. Muise March 3, 2016
  • There's a surprise.....grey day and #W66927 delivers the best laugh since New Year. "We are socially responsible men" The only thing that this motley crew are socially responsible for is the murders of a great number of US citizens. From fellow gangsters/drug dealers to cop killers to people who will ...
    on They Do Not Speak for Us by Timothy J. Muise March 18, 2016
  • I know you like to describe your situation through what, in your imagination, you think is poetry but why so self critical Timmy? Paul
    on A POEM BY BOBBY SANDS by Timothy J. Muise March 27, 2016
  • Hi certainly wasn't addressed to you. I'm sorry you are so bored at work. The things we do to put bread on the table! Muise is a self-hating inmate with a narcissistic personality disorder and nothing to do but time. Transcribing posts is useful but don't be surprised if ...
    on They Do Not Speak for Us by Timothy J. Muise March 27, 2016
  • MCI SHIRLEY BREATHES A COLLECTIVE SIGH OF RELIEF. The news of #W66927 Muise catching chain was universally applauded. One long term inmate was voluble in his reaction. "Thank f**k for that" was his initial response. This "well-known prisoner rights activist" ??? is a narcissistic self publicist who has upset many ...
    on Prisoner Rights Activist Sent to Solitary on False Charges by Timothy J. Muise May 12, 2016
  • "You are going to be confined to a place where there is no love, where there is no compassion, which is cold and loveless, and you will be consigned to that place for a very long time." Do you remember the words of Justice Tomei? The beautiful and pure human ...
    on Boxed In and Buried Alive by Troy Hendrix June 21, 2016
  • Can't believe that you're hitting on a fellow inmates wife and encouraging her to visit you. Does he know about that? I would have thought that the impending parole hearing would be taking up a lot of time. Paul.
    on Call for Action: "Free Tim Muise" by Timothy J. Muise June 21, 2016
  • Oh got your fondest wish and the Honourable Joshua Wall will no longer serve as Chairman of the parole board. What a hypocrite you really are #W66927. "Anger destroys. Love heals" That loving concept is fine as long as it's only applied to you and your fellow inmates. Our ...
    on Good Men Are Dying In Prison Does This Serve The Welfare Of Society by Timothy J. Muise June 21, 2016
  • You don't know the don't know the case. Because of some honeyed words you have decided he's innocent. I believe you are the innocent one and can't see the fact that he is running game on naïve people. He is in exactly the right place.
    on Boxed In and Buried Alive by Troy Hendrix June 28, 2016
  • In your words......."it's time to set the record straight". Joseph Yandle did indeed falsify service in Vietnam and used it as a cornerstone in a petition for commutation. He also cited rehabilitation and education (he earned both a Bachelor's and a Master's degree whilst incarcerated). He was the getaway driver ...
    on A Guy Name Joe by Timothy J. Muise June 28, 2016
  • Contrary to the headline screaming.....A KILLER IS BACK IN CUSTODY Joseph Yandle did indeed falsify service in Vietnam and used it as a cornerstone in a petition for commutation. He was the getaway driver whose partner shot and killed a man in an armed robbery.......he was not the shooter, another ...
    on Back In Action by Timothy J. Muise June 28, 2016
  • Manslaughter. 18 to 20 Paul
    on A Memior by Timothy J. Muise July 5, 2016
  • The persons to contact for any further information are the authors of this treatise. Norfolk Lifers Group P.O. Box 43 Norfolk MA 02056
    on The High Cost Of Incarcerating The Elderly... by Timothy J. Muise July 5, 2016
  • Be aware..........T Muise is not a liason with Lifers Group inc. He is simply using their content in order to generate replies for his own use. Paul
    on The Ever Evolving Technology Of Punishment by Timothy J. Muise July 5, 2016
  • This inmate is not a liason to the Lifers Group inc. He has very recently been returned to Norfolk. He has spent the last 5 years at Shirley Medium during which time he had nothing good to say about Norfolk Lifers Group. Appending his name to their content is despicable. ...
    on A Report On Life Without The Possibility Of Parole(LWOPP) In Massachusetts: A Call To Action by Timothy J. Muise July 5, 2016
  • Plagiarism.............the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own. And Muise isn't too subtle about it either. In the Norfolk Chronicles he has simply scrubbed out the authors name and added his own. He will probably be using the title for future bile ...
    on The Ever Evolving Technology Of Punishment by Timothy J. Muise July 5, 2016
  • Well well Zuzu. "Trust me, I'm more likely to believe that if Tim is anything bad, he probably got that way After going prison." Remarkable statement considering that Muise is in prison for being a junkie murderer. But then you seem to have an affinity for that type..........what with Muise, ...
    on The Ever Evolving Technology Of Punishment by Timothy J. Muise July 28, 2016
  • Well that's a good one! Somewhere along the line you swapped both your tags from 'Murderer' to 'Intellectual' Now who decided on that ridiculous position. Don't tell me...........Fisher and Muise! Locking you up is totally in the interest of protecting society at large. Oh, and people should be aware that ...
    on D.O.C. Inspired by Adolph Hitler by Timothy J. Muise July 28, 2016
  • I'm being nice! Paul
    on The Ever Evolving Technology Of Punishment by Timothy J. Muise July 28, 2016
  • Well I must confess to being deeply hurt! You've demoted me without even an interview. Eight months ago I was Director of Security and my demise was imminent when you presented all your carefully collated evidence. What happened to that? Didn't go so well, huh. Now I'm a lowly subcontracted ...
    on Good Men Are Dying In Prison Does This Serve The Welfare Of Society by Timothy J. Muise July 28, 2016
  • You have said some pretty distasteful things in your blogs but to state that because he was "trained by his country to be a killer" we shouldn't be surprised that he murdered someone has got to be as low as you can get. This is deeply disrespectful to the many, ...
    on Back In Action by Timothy J. Muise July 28, 2016
  • Bryce Noonan's parole hearing was on the 2nd. August. It is now subject to consideration by the Parole Board who will render their decision. If someone had insider info to help I'm certain a way would have been found to relay that before the hearing without the need for a ...
    on Call for Action: "Free Tim Muise" by Timothy J. Muise Aug. 8, 2016
  • I was simply pointing out that neither yourself nor Mr Fisher are serving time because you were rounded up as intellectuals, as the Nazis did in '39, which you clearly implied. Nor are you in Solitary which you stated. Something dishonest about that. The whole "D.O.C. Inspired by Adolph Hitler" ...
    on D.O.C. Inspired by Adolph Hitler by Timothy J. Muise Aug. 16, 2016
  • OK.......I'll bite. I'm not the obese DOC employee that hates cons.....bit of "pot, kettle, black." there isn't it! I'm not Mr. Paul Henderson Director of Security that you had so much evidence against that he would end up in C2 beside you, to be ridiculed by your fellow cons and ...
    on Call for Action: "Free Tim Muise" by Timothy J. Muise Sept. 4, 2016
  • Johny.......I think Bryce is now up to speed on Timmy. Hopefully he will be able to concentrate on what he needs to do over the next 4 years without the kind of distraction Mr. Muise provides. Paul
    on Good Men Are Dying In Prison Does This Serve The Welfare Of Society by Timothy J. Muise Jan. 26, 2017
  • Once more a guest in the Special Management Unit. And of course it has nothing to do with breaking DOC regulations but you expect us to be "outraged" that you did. Interesting choice to go on "The Fabric of the Black Community" Ex Correctional Officer & Boston Police Officer Charles ...
  • Johny, He is currently in the Special Management Unit at Norfolk. He may be released later this year. He is scamming everyone who responds on his blog, whether it's a comment or someone who transcribes a post. He is well into double figures of Gofund me requests. It is a ...
    on Good Men Are Dying In Prison Does This Serve The Welfare Of Society by Timothy J. Muise Jan. 27, 2017
  • Hi zmw......Thanks for transcribing so many posts. It really helps to get the blog 'out there'. For this blogger what you must know is that, contrary to what he would have you believe, he is not in solitary for speaking out. He is there for refusing to abide by DOC ...
    on The Norfolk Chronicles: Free Speech From "The Box" by Timothy J. Muise Feb. 1, 2017
  • Seems Gypsy is wise to you Timmy. Paul
    on Tim misses Sarvi... but continues to learn from her by Timothy J. Muise Feb. 1, 2017
  • Anyone with even a nodding acquaintance of your blogs know that what you write is 'FAKE NEWS CENTRAL' Have you never paused to wonder why the vast majority of people who transcribe or comment on your drivel disappear into the ether never to be heard from again. It could be ...
    on The Norfolk Chronicles by Timothy J. Muise Feb. 25, 2017
  • Jeez Gypsy seems like you are the only one not asked....except for me! Lets look at it from the perspective that we are the only ones that Timmy doesn't want to run a game on. That's how I prefer to see it. Paul
    on The Norfolk Chronicles: Free Speech From "The Box" by Timothy J. Muise March 2, 2017
  • August? Seems like that's near the top of your 'to do' list. Absent an invitation to come over for a cup of Joe, which is clearly the case, that would appear to be a threat. This would be a concern for the founders of BtB not to mention DOC or ...
    on The Norfolk Chronicles: Free Speech From "The Box" by Timothy J. Muise March 2, 2017
  • JT.......please don't ask difficult questions. It shines a light on the holes in the scam. Such as where is the $10000.00 that the DOC had to pay him on a litigation. You can buy a hell of a telephone with that kind of money. Or did he just blow it ...
    on "Go Fund Me" draft by Timothy J. Muise April 6, 2017
  • Any sensible person would not commit to joining a community, on release, at a cost of $170.00 per week without the funds to pay for it.The DOC isn't going to pay and if you are as destitute as you would have us believe you can't either. The alternative is to ...
    on "Go Fund Me" draft by Timothy J. Muise May 1, 2017
  • Déjà vu! So you've trotted this old piece out again. This was back in the day when you envisaged delivering this speech to a rapt inmate population as a leader a la Martin L King. Quel dommage! Six years on and you're 'short' ain't gonna happen. Clearly if you feel ...
    on Never Forget Your In Prison by Timothy J. Muise May 1, 2017
  • This doesn't appear to be an update from CURE-ARM just a re-post.......... 2 years later. I fear that it has gone the way of the dinasaur. National Cure, MA Cure et al still try to get the message out but it has slipped down the list of priorities with T ...
    on CURE-ARM Can Never Forget by Timothy J. Muise May 2, 2017
  • I can't believe it..........the DOC using a convicted felon to help a convicted felon. Quelle horreur! Assuming that this guy has served his bid then he must be accorded the right to work in his chosen profession in the same way that you demand as your right. But then again ...
    on The Norfolk Chronicles by Timothy J. Muise June 1, 2017
  • Seems your blog is the subject of a cyber attack. At least you are in good company. I'm sure Hillary is on the case. Here come the Russians! Paul
    on A POEM BY BOBBY SANDS by Timothy J. Muise June 6, 2017
  • Seems we are seeing a huge credibility gap appearing between what #W66927 says and what is actual fact. For years we have had to endure claims of being the "expert in correctional failure" Seemingly he has not chosen this accolade but has had it thrust upon him. By whom we ...
    on Failures Too Great To Ignore by Timothy J. Muise June 16, 2017
  • Come on Timmy.........first we get 'Phantom' and then it's 'theemancipator'. I know you've been down for a while but you need a handle that isn't so transparent. I about Timothy J Muise! Paul
    on Untitled by Timothy J. Muise Aug. 13, 2017
  • Still no coffee? If you are struggling despite your gofundme scam for 3 big ones I'll spring for it. I'm working! Paul
    on Comment Response by Timothy J. Muise Aug. 13, 2017
  • Do you remember the words of Justice Tomei? "you will be consigned to that place for a very long time." You have still not acknowledged the crime and Romona Moore is still looking down! Paul
    on Boxed In and Buried Alive by Troy Hendrix Jan. 29, 2019
  • Very eloquent. I can't wait to read an equally eloquent post explaining why this POS in "the midst of displaying the utmost in courage and valor" actually sent himself a hate letter and then paid 2 very black people to assault him and pretend to be Trump supporters. Right down ...
    on Untitled by Michael Lloyd Young Feb. 24, 2019


  • I see. You don't handle criticism that way when it is favorable or goes along with your extended accusatory twists. ...
    8 years, 4 months ago
    By Drawing a Wider Circle on D.O.C. Inspired by Adolph Hitler