Leaving Pain Behind
Hello, everyone. I just wanted to tell you what God is doing in my life.
As you may know, I was sexually abused by some family members when I was very young. This messed up my life a lot, but I thought I was over it a long time ago. I forgave them because I realized that most of the people who do these things had the same stuff happen to them.
However, there are some very sick people in prison, and I came across a couple of guys who liked to brag about their acts of rape and their plans to rape others. This made me very angry so I distanced myself from them. I thought I had handled the situation pretty well but, without realizing it, I started a campaign to turn everyone I knew against them. I started gossiping about them. I refused to associate with them or even be anywhere near them. The things they were talking about literally made me sick to my stomach.
While I was at church serve last week, the Holy Spirit told me I had to let that go. I simply had to stop hating those dudes for two reasons: God loves them just as much as He loves me and because holding onto hate will keep Him from being able to use me to plant a seed which will let Him change their lives and save their souls. I truly don't want to be the reason God is hindered in touching one of his lost children.
Child abuse is one of the enemies' biggest weapons because it not only destroys the victim but also the abuser, whom was probably a victim once themselves. As you all know, I am far from perfect. But our Father, who is the source of all love, has asked me to walk away from the horrible pain of my past so that He can us me to heal the broken lives of those still hurting. I will answer that call because I am a child of God and my God is love, period. All of us get to choose each day who we will work for: God (love) or Satan (hate). It really is that simple. And if you are, right now, trying to think your way around this truth, ask yourself why. Love conquers all because hate burns itself out.
Our Father God is calling on us all to bring down the strongholds of the enemy, but we must do it out of love. Because it's really a rescue mission. May God bless you all and keep you all the days of your lives.
Peace and love :),
Donny Welch #1375713
McConnell Unit
3001 S. Emily Dr.
Beeville, TX 78102
Or email me at www.jpay.com.
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