Jonathan Demond White
AKA Throwed Cutty Est 04
More Than Average
The sun rises and sets. Never we, as God's creations, ever forget the "first time," exploring self on a level of newfound excitement, delighted in the reality of expressing relief through sure satisfaction, until it's too much to endure, until it becomes "more than average."
We've dealt with the ordinary and, of course, that gets routine and boring to the point where we seek comfort in another lover whose adventurous, relentlessness at proving that there are more than the average every read. On call. Longing for a chance to get in the game and score. Seven points in overtime, dearly needed. So I'm definitely more than average.
How can I, without a doubt, be in sync, where words are overrated and nothing besides an orgasm can be duplicated? Erase all the worry and cares of the world and inhibit love to the fullest, where cries and moans are all you'll hear. Joyous outcries saying to ourselves, "I've waited my whole life to be treated more than average."
2017 aug 1
2017 jul 30
2017 jul 29
2017 apr 20
2017 mar 26
2017 mar 26
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