Satan is an Illusionist
Hello, everyone. I want to share with you what has been going on in my life.
Well, things have been going kind of rough lately. Several things have gone horribly wrong and I've been feeling down. You see, I signed up for a faith-based program that offers a lot of help when you get released and I really need this because I have no one out there. I was turned down because of my crime and I was crushed. After all, if I can't get a chance from a Christian program in here, what kind of chance will society give me when I get out?
Also, I'm in a section with a lot of hate and tension and I seem to be a major target for it. Then I got into an argument with a brother in church because he told me that he and some others wanted to bar non-believers from coming. I told him that it is God's house and everyone is welcome. One brother told me that if I find myself forgiving people too often that shows that I don't truly know God.
I had finally connected with a pen-pal and we had been exchanging letters for a few months, but I haven't heard from her in over two months. I thought I had made a friends. I'm not sure what is happening.
I got to feeling so depressed that I prayed to the Father. I told him I couldn't anymore, that I was giving it all to Him and that I trusted Him to turn all of it to my good. Immediately, God showed me that Satan is like a stage illusionist because he moves his right hand in such a way that we don't pay attention to what he's doing with the left. God then showed me all the good stuff, the blessings, that had happened at the same time as the bad. The good things way outnumbered the bad. I felt foolish and began thinking about all the great things I had missed out on because I almost always concentrated on the bad. God told me it is my choice what I pay attention to, the good or the bad, because when you focus on one, you ignore the other. I asked the Father to help me break the habit of seeing only the bad.
God bless you all and keep you all of your days.
Peace and love :)
Donny Welch #1375713
McConnell Unit
3001 S. Emily Dr.
Beeville, TX 78102
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