Oct. 4, 2017

One Page Covenant

by Gary Field (author's profile)



There is an expression that has become pretty common in prison:
"It is what it is" It has become almost a blanket statement that can
cover big chunks of life as experiences by many of us wearing the 'Prison

It's been said that "Paint covers a multitude of sins, and it is what it is" covers
a multitude of grievances. Complaints and consequences of 'Yellow lines and prison blues
doing time in resoled shoes.'

Whether the T.R.A at the bottom and the monthly 'Progress Report' says 2046 of 9998,
"it is what it is". When your first visit in years has been cut to 15 minutes because the
compound has just gone into an "Emergency Lockdown"..."it is what it is."

Everyone wearing the prison blues knows what it is to become accustomed to the harsh reality of
life behind the wird. Times when the razor wire feels like a leash, and the fences seem a
mile high. "it is what is it" but that doesn't make it easy to deal with.


After a few years of 'doing time'; the uniforms become faded to a powedered blue, dreams and goals
can begin to blur at the edges, and a man's heart can begin to harden... for some, rather than 'doing time'
time begins to 'do them'

Fortunately there is a 'Faith an character based program' available at some prisons with the Florida Dept.
of corrections. When all you have in your tool box is a hammer; every problem seems like a nail. The
F&B program provides tools for change and reason for hope. The curriculum has been developed to help
inmates, not only strengthen their faith in order to overcome the challenges of incarceration, but
also to strengthen and further develop the kind of character traits which will help them to say "it
is what it is" True, but it will be what I make it.

A covenant is a binding agreement of promise, When I signed that agreement it was with this in mind:
I am where I am today because of decisions I've made in the past. True, so what kind of things can
I begin to do today which will make for a better tomorrow. Clearly the FCB program is one of those


The advantage that I have today, as opposed to when I was a "very sucesful Functioning Alcoholic
(highlighted by author) It that I now understand the true valve of freedom, and I cannot afford to
make further decisions which may jeopardize this freedom to be sent(?) under the influences of an
intoxicant ...the root cursed(?) of which is Toxic.

I'll be as careful as a man walking through a minefield. I'll be relying, not just on my own abilities
but like the prayer on the lops & that man in the minefields, I'll continue on my hugher power to see me
through. Confident that even if i stumble and fall, by the Grace of God. I'll find the strength to Rise!


Replies (2) Replies feed

gdf09c Posted 7 years, 5 months ago. ✓ Mailed 7 years, 5 months ago   Favorite
Hello, my name is Gary S. Field. I was born in Miami in 1992. I've got a few reasons to believe that I am your son. My sister found your blog on the web, and recognized the picture in your profile. My Aunt was able to confirm that you are the Gary that I'm named after. And so, I've been reading your letters for years. I'm struck by how deeply I can connect to some of your writings even though we've never met. I've been reading at a time where I search for a purpose for my life. You wrote that you'd like to "RE-connect" to friends and family. Its taken me years to decide to reach out to you. I think it was mainly due to anxiety of imagining your reaction. If you're willing, I could be one of your allies for when you get out. 2021 is a few short years away. Who knows maybe I'll be able to school you on social media? :D

Gary Field Posted 7 years, 4 months ago.   Favorite
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