June 15, 2018
by William Goehler (author's profile)


Knowledge is Power. I hear others tell. But then I've also heard: A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. I wonder if there is anybody out there who can tell me their personal observation of knowledge applied as power and also as a dangerous thing.


[The following quotes are from photocopies.]
Knowledge is observation and is given to those who would look.
—L. Ron Hubbard

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Replies (2) Replies feed

Sigard Posted 6 years, 8 months ago. ✓ Mailed 6 years, 7 months ago   Favorite
Yeah it is dangerous indeed Son. Unless to Temper it with fire and Ice.

Destinyjoy Posted 6 years, 4 months ago. ✓ Mailed 6 years, 4 months ago   Favorite
Hey Dad, me again. Just had to comment on this one because of it's significance in my life. I've always found it fascinating to hear everyone's personal oppinion on what the difference between knowledge and wisdom is. My answer is very simple. The difference between knowledge and wisdom is understanding, because you can have endless knowledge and not understand any of it. If you don't understand it, then honestly where is the value in it? Now wisdom is having understanding of whatever knowledge it is that you have. To me, that's what makes the knowledge valuable. I hope I don't sound like an idiot right now. I figured sharing my oppinion and sounding like a dumb ass is better than not saying anything at all. That's something new I've learned. I didn't use to think that way . Anyways, I hope this was what you were looking to hear. I love you Dad, with everything in me. I hope you know that. Just like I love Mom. You two are amazing, beautiful, unique, powerful individuals and I'm proud to be your daughter.
L & R
Your daughter

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