Paul Behind the Wall...
As much as I try to wrap my head around it, I still find it very hard to understand how the spread of STDs in prison go unabated and for the most part ignored. Homosexual activity runs rampant and education is nonexistent. Granted, homosexual activity in prison is a fact of life for those who live that lifestyle or care to indulge in it.
For me, that is their choice and I don't discriminate against them for I truly respect all peoples. I believe we all have a place in the wheel of life. What I don't get is that even in society, the public came to the realization that in order to curb the spread of HIV and hepatitis and other blood borne diseases, something had to be done about IV drug users too. Hence, the needle exchange program being created.
If people are sent to prison in order to preserve the public's safety, wouldn't that include health? They're never gonna stop sex in prison, but wouldn't it be prudent to give out condoms? They can turn a blind eye to it, but the fact remains that these people are returning to the community with no kind of respect for themselves, much less the public at large. I see it all the time. People who are known to be HIV infected messing with people who aren't, and these people going back to the streets. Riddle me that?
For years now we have not been allowed girlie books (Playboy, Hustler, etc.) yet I can have a cellmate who receives hormone replacement therapy and is growing breasts if I so choose? Not that that is the case. My point is that the shots are given by the prison nurses and who is footing the bill? Can this be viewed as indirectly promoting this type of behavior? And who is being affected in the long run?
I'm Paul Behind the Wall, waiting to hear your feedback.
Bobbie: Heart, books must be sent straight from the store or published. Or they are denied. My thoughts and prayers are with you. :)
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Replies (5)
Always good to read your blogs Paul. Almost always agree with everthing you have to say. Bobbie, leave me a way to contact you and I will show you the ropes of how to get things to Paul. I have been doing this for some time now and know how the syatem works. There are ways around everything without breaking the law or rules - you just need to know how.
I will try and find the correct way to send books to you , I really enjoy your blogs and the points you make , it is a common sense approach to the real issues that face prison life and the after prison life , the community at large, it really makes me think outside the square .
My email ' Axel" is Look forward to hearing from you re sending the books successfully to Paul in prison , your help will be greatly received ,
Keep well treasure , I will write soon my dear friend
Cheers. Heart .
Love ya XL
I truly hope you received my letter , it explains fully why I have not been in touch ... Everything has sorted it's self out and I am back on board and eager to chat :)
I have been busy doing things like shopping for Xmas and wasting time and money on things which I can only hope those I purchase for will like them .
I will be thinking of you and indeed all that are not able to be where they want to be this year .
I usually work over Xmas but this year am home, I am a hopeless cook but there are restaurants open so I won't starve lol lol ,
I have just finished work so I will chat again soon my dear friend ,
May your creators watch over you Xx
Your friend down under Bobbie