Feb. 12, 2019

Comment response

From The Novelist Portent by Johnny E. Mahaffey (author's profile)
This post is in reply to comments on:  Holiday Blues 2018 thumbnail
Holiday Blues 2018
(Dec. 27, 2018)


The Novelist Portent
Johnny E. Mahaffey
January 24, 2019

Reply ID: x3yk, FatherJohn
"Holiday Blues 2018"

To Mr. John Pfister:

Oh, I agree. I wish people did post comments with their actual identities. My ex Jaime has used three pseudonyms so far that I know of for comments, and just does NOT want to use her real name. Even going back at one point and actually removing some of her comments once the cover was blown on it. And some were removed just out of spite. She said it's partly in fear of my other exes, and that I make her mad at times. But I suspect it's also so that boyfriend(s) don't see. In the cases of some women, I could see that, I guess.

Yoko, a girl that I write to in Japan, uses her name. And I think that says something. That the non-American isn't in need of anonymity and not afraid of speaking her mind, apparently. And then, there's Candice. She has her full name in her username too and is not in any fear of posting what she wants. But then again, Candice is kind of a badass when it comes to the whole alpha girl thing.

While I appreciate all comments, I do have a little more respect for those who use their actual name (at least, in some discernible version of their name) nor have a desire or need to go back and remove what they said. Because it puts more meaning behind what they're saying. It's akin to the fake name being words no different than those whispered in secret behind backs, as opposed to someone using their name and not being afraid to stand behind their words because they know their words to be true. The fake little usernames are the ones in question.

And you're right, comments should have a purpose. Not just fluff. They need to address the context of what's presented in the post, especially if it's a serious issue about prison reform or the like. Or simply to provide hope, to raise the spirit of, not just the prisoner making the post but other readers. Just because I am here does not make my problems unique to this location. Some of the things I go through are still experiences by individuals out in the free world as well. Words of inspiration or understanding can ring true just as strong for readers out there, as they do us lowly prisoners in here.

Thank you for reading and for your honesty.

Johnny E. Mahaffey
BRCI - 323863
4460 Broad River Rd.
Columbia, SC 29210-4012


Replies (1) Replies feed

Romiette Posted 5 years, 11 months ago. ✓ Mailed 5 years, 11 months ago   Favorite
Dear Johnny,
The first username I made for this site was Mofert. It's a gamer handle I prefer. It took me years to get up the nerve to leave a comment. I wanted to reach out, but I was absolutely terrified of the repercussions. The second username was JohnnysWife or some derivative of that. That was deleted because, yes, you pissed me off. Immature, but effective. Now, I'm Romiette. It's a more current gamer handle from a book I love. I do not care who knows this is me. Hi, I'm Jaime. I was Johnny's second wife and the mother of his second son. I loved him very much but we were and still are very different people. A lot has changed in nearly 13 years. I know I am harsh with him. I suffer from Borderline Personality Disorder and I've only been recently diagnosed. It hasn't given me a new outlook on the way I behave and I am working on it daily. I'm sorry for the effect it has on others, but I assure you Johnny is aware of what he faces when contacting me. I am doing the absolute best I can and I do not want anyone's approval. I'm here to better myself for myself, not for anyone else. What's the point of getting better if I still hate myself. To comment on what Johnny said about "boyfriends." I'm not remotely worried about any man seeing what I post on here. I don't hide truth from people like that. Why should I? I'm pretty up front about what you're getting yourself into when you decide to involve yourself with me. I don't need approval, validation, or judgment. If you don't like me or mine, then please excuse yourself and keep my name out of your mouth. Johnny, EVERYTHING we talk about is OFF THE RECORD. I said it, now respect it.
Jaime Beth

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