May 20, 2019

Dear Reader.......5-9-19

by Douglas Blaine Matthews (author's profile)



Dear reader,
Hey, I hope you're doing well! Today, I'm going to share with you the song I wrote while I sat in the hospital. I never quite finished it as, once my daughter was okay and her mother was recovering, that fear and pain that'd crept in began to evaporate. So, I quit writing it. I never planned on sharing it.

There's more to it when I sing it. Background spoken words in between bars (lines), but I don't want to complicate it. So, I'm sending in a poetic version of it.

I hope you enjoy it. Until next time.

Yours truly,


Sometimes you gotta hold on
'Cause in this world some things go wrong
And if you keep holding on
You can only keep growing strong

Verse 1:
A day full of peace but the sun fell quick
This voice on the phone, the devil's playing a trick
He's tryin' to take somethin' from me,
Three hearts that are mine
The one in my chest still beats but the other two are dyin'
I got to the ICU and there she was
My baby in her belly, hair soaked in blood
Lord, no! Inside, I fell to my knees
This is hell, so I fell, beggin' Him please

You know what you gotta do
If you take them then take me too
If their hearts stop beatin'
Then I'll lose all feelin'

Verse 2:
I might go crazy, I might lose it all
I ain't know what I'd do but I knew I'd fall
I needed help but the chronic wasn't calmin' my nerves
I turned to alcohol but the boos came wit' the birds
I'd sit and watch her as her chest rose and fell
That life machine sounded like a soldier from hell
The way it click-click-clicked and made the air cry
But it brought my babies back after they'd died
I made a deal with God and prayed it every night
That if He gave 'em back to me I'd straighten
My life

So if you take 'em now
God, you're dead wrong!
But I pray once again
You let 'em breathe on their own

Sometimes you gotta hold on
'Cause in this world some things go wrong
And if you keep holding on
You can only keep growing strong


Replies (3) Replies feed

josie1902 Posted 5 years, 9 months ago. ✓ Mailed 5 years, 9 months ago   Favorite
Hey, I love this, its great to see you are still being creative. You have such depth, hope you are well Josie x

Douglas Blaine Matthews Posted 5 years, 8 months ago.   Favorite
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josie1902 Posted 5 years, 8 months ago. ✓ Mailed 5 years, 7 months ago   Favorite
You are always in my thoughts always ... im so glad you are doing this. ive been watching your progress on tv.. keep it up x

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