June 7, 2019

Summer Solstice Greeting

by William Goehler (author's profile)


EMAIL: theoscorr@aol.com

Summer Solstice Greeting

There are no dark places in the chambers of the soul: it
is wholly an abode of living light and knowledge. We need
not look outside ourselves for the grandeur and the aid our
hearts are craving. The secret key to all situations is in
the heart. All truth is within. It has been on those inner
planes for ages and still lies sleeping in the spirit of man.
No one can tell it in words no one can convey it in
speech or writing -- none can reveal to us the secret of
life. Keys and hints may be given, enthusiasm may be
awakened, hearts may be aroused and minds simulated may be
thought, but the reality is a thing each one must find
himself. Greater than all the books that were written,
greater than all the wisdom the teachers of old brought to
mankind, are the books of revelation a man may read within
-- Katherine Tingley

BTB #37
Sunday 26

The secret awaits
eyes unclouded by
Those who are bound
by desire seek only
that which can be
handled in the hand.
The Last Dragon

Who's The Master?
There once was a child who went on a journey. While
walking, she was led from the path many times by a trickster
which took different forms. It took the shape of a poet who dis-
tracted her with words; a teacher who distracted her with
philosophies; and a magician who distracted her with the illu-
sion of escape. Each time she came upon this trickster she got
caught in his trap. She was lost and she didn't know who she
was, and therefore was easily duped. She was blinded by her
desire to search for the truth, and soon blamed everyone and
everything for her misery. She grew very tired and laid down
on the stony ground to rest. She fell into a sleep and dreamed of
a great earthquake which split the ground beneath her feet. The
ocean rushed in to swallow her up, and with every gasping
breath, she fell further and further away from her body. With
her cries becoming distant, she watched herself struggle for air
and start to sink. Then a thought occurred, "Who is this that is

May 26

watching? And who is this that is watching the watcher? I am
not this body, which is drowning. I am not even that which can
say I am drowning. I simply am." And with that she woke up.
Who is the master? I am. The answer is never found
outside of ourselves. It is the knowing which lies within. There
is nowhere we need to go to reach it. There is no teacher we
need to find to give it to us. Indeed there is no lock and no key.
It is here waiting to be discovered. Enter the mystery, and dis-
cover what you have already known. We are powerful spiritual
beings and the Masters of our own becoming.

The entire
universe lies
within me.
I am aware and
live from the
place of the all
knowing. I am my own

Quonta Beasley


Replies (4) Replies feed

Erne2017VM Posted 5 years, 7 months ago. ✓ Mailed 5 years, 6 months ago   Favorite
14 June 2019
Hello my Friend: It was great to hear your voice last night. I miss you... Thank you for hearing my thoughts and calling...wished we could have talked longer... that I was more prepared to talk. I forgot to tell you that VM course sup Sharon is very willing to grade the ART course. Soon Sigard will have a copy of that wonderful book. I have enjoyed my comms with Sigard. He has being enlightening me about Mythology. Something I really don't know about except your letters are sprinkled with it. Two years ago I never truly thought about it. Sigard recommended a book that is helping me to understand how Myths were started and how they became truths that were not true. Just Myths and thoughts that people accepted as truth. More Blind Faith. Ways of introducing Esoteric truths though. Anyhow. It is an education to be in comm with you and Sigard. He looks great per his photos and he is enjoying his family. I am very please for him. Life is very busy here in this city I dwell. Never ending fight for freedom and revealing truths and solutions. I hope Destiny does connect up on the phone with you. Happy Father's Day my friend. The spiral is turning around. Keep on Keeping on no matter what. The guys in the white hats are making waves and more waves and more waves to truth and justice shall prevail. We have a wonderful future to look forward to because of all the Freedom Fighters. You are a blessing in disguise, aren't you? Thank you for all you do to wake up the living dead. What a tough job. But you are armed with solutions to keep you stable. I am proud to be your friend. You won my heart deeply for all you do and all you really truly are. Much love, Erne Hi Destiny. If you are reading this here is the number to open an acct to talk to your Dad. GTL acct 800-483-8314 it only cost 3.75 for 15 minutes. We have to send him a number to call. I can send mail to him or Travis can for you. Takes time as you know. Have a good day. love, Erne WGs correspondence person to help the inmates do courses.

William Goehler Posted 5 years, 6 months ago.     1 Favorite
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William Goehler Posted 3 years, 5 months ago.   Favorite
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William Goehler Posted 3 years, 4 months ago.   Favorite
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