Date: 06/29/2019 02:36 PM CDT
New Classes
Completed my 90 days of program classes. A milestone. Of the 21 that were on the bust only 13 remain. Since then, two more bus load arrived, so I am not the new guy anymore.
My next month classes have increased to four. That's 8:30 to 3:30, five days a week. Plus my two nights of classes. I see a lot of homework in my future. I could drop classes, but I need them. So, I will push through. The next three months of math will be important if I hope to get into the manufacturing class (robotics and factory machines) in time before my parole.
The other classes are six months of substance abuse and six months of Microsoft Office apps. The rest are program classes for PTSD, veterans, and finances.
All very important to get ready for parole. A lot of guys opt out of classes and will work an easy job, work out all day, play cards, and sit on the phone.
The problem is, you can't force a person to change. If you force them into classes, they become disruptions and cheat on the work anyway.
It's a great system to prepare us for parole. Hopefully, it spreads to other prisons in the state.
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