Aug. 27, 2020

Azande Press Zine Issues

From The Sound Mind by Floyd Smith (author's profile)


AZANDE Press Zine Issues (1)
(For THe Same sex Loving, Black Intelectual)
AZANDE Press Zine, Founded circa 2016
Daniel Rainey, Founder, and Chairman
Sniper Azande Xzyst, Editor
Floyd Smith, Condemned General Coordinator

1. Write Or Die Zines * Poetry, Picose & Condz vol, 3.
2. Write Or Die Zines * I AM AZANDE
3. AZANDE Press * Sound Mind Streamer issue#1.
4. AZANDE Press * Sound Mind Streamer 2. issue#2.
5. AZANDE Press * Gaytekeepers issue#3.
6. AZANDE Press * Liberated Facts issue#4.
7. AZANDE Press * Direct Messagge issue#5.
8. AZANDE Press * 6 issue#6.
9. AZANDE Press * Parallazboi Mobile EP issue#7.
10. AZANDE Press * 8 issue#8.
11. AZANDE Press * Liberated Facts 2. issue#9.
12. AZANDE Press * No Place To Land (The Play) issue#10.
13. AZANDE Press * AZANDE Press + issue#11.
14. AZANDE Press * AZANDE Press + @ YOUTube Playlist
AZANDE Press Zines
Available @ :
South Chicago ABC Zine DISTRO
BOX 721, Homewood, IL. 60430
Free to all prisoners, please cover postage
azande press+@ Youtube

Most of My life, I may have seen a Transgender person on and off, mabe one day out of each year? In Passing? Mabe a Hello? Thats about it, and Im an open Gay Black Man, All hood persuasion, so we already dont hang out.

I collided with a distant stat named Mpingo through my Journalistic activism when a few people sent me writing by Mpingo, around the same time, and it struck me that there is a cold silence about Murderers of Trans Women, and abuses of all Gay people who are incarcerated

At a closer look, I found that black straight men are the most responsible for such horrors and it's a common sad truth, in many other races, and culture, and then I saw the list on the cover of this issue, and I realized that it was only July 2020. Yes, before the year was out, 21 had been killed, damn.

Here, I wont repeat the exhausting excuses, and foul Justifications, Misued, to sustain reasons not to engage this topic, but,

We at AZANDE Press dont play selective morality politics, Wrong is Wrong, if White Silence is violence when it comes to police killing our Kings, than how much more violent is Our silence when our King becomes the Killer, and trust me when I say, it hurts so bad to say that, my fingers almost disobeyed my Will, as I struggled to look into that MiRRoR, finding the following words:

"What the fuck is up With this Shit My Nigga?"

Black straight Men have become the Police of currupt Murderers, and Social and Economic injustices against LGBTQIA+ people of color.

In this Issue, we present the facts that we as a society must be careful to recognize that ever Man is not a King, even an ill advised King is not worth of said title, when His actions, prove Kingly towards a few and Terrorist towards others.

IF one is unable to wear a crown with His head down, we Must understand that every Raised hear, is not, WoRthy to Weak one.


Both AZANDE Press issues #8, and #9 traced and found inclusions within the LGBTQIA+ Community, as far back as the 1800's here in America, then somewhere in the State of Hell, we found inner-exclusions that we still see today.

I want this issue to seaRch Your Spirit, and find peace in returning our Culture into all inclusive, when we, both loved and Struggled together. As a Gay Black Man, I present this Zine issue in loving defense of My Transgender Family Members, You will not see me where You want me, Yet, You will always see me where You need Me.

Need, huuummnn as You read this work, Know that we are all needed to stop the Killngs and violence, and exclusions of our Trans Fam, like out Ancestors did in those court cases that our Born Free Generation was never taught about, way before Stonewall.

White Lesbians require this true lession, that they are also,m equally, Family, YOU Matter.

The Consequence: (5)

#1. Any of us, that seek to place personal Social and economical advancements above the health and safety of the community, will be engaged as oppressors of our people.

A Transwomen being Killed in society is the same as Gays being beaten, spit on, and being deuced with human urin and feces in a Prison, especially durring a global pandemic spread of a Killer ViRus, Wrong is Wrong, where are You?

Being on the right side of History is great, being on the rightside of the present is vital, and being on the rightside of the future is not Your call, Generation Next is Whatching us all, and the call belongs to them, did We let them down? Or did we buil them up? Exclusion is failure, and failure cost.

Nomatter who You are, OR what You have done, what is valuable, is what you do now with Your gift of forgiveness, Care, and Love.

#2 (6)
In the Spirits of all former enslaved Ancestors, that, self identified as Same Sex Loving Humans, GayteKeepers, Watchers, Qings and Kweens, or to some degree by what we now view as LGBTQIA+, We ask that You create ways to duplicated and gift this Message to as Many Fellow Parallaboiz and Parallaxgurl's as possible.

#3. Become the COnsequence, against incarceration acts of violence and Mistreatment at the hands of prisoner subcultural groups, as a new, united version of ourselves by ending All of our own petty quarrels with both forgiveness, and true forgetfulness. Provide unsolicited care for one another, socially, Spiritually, and through sharing items of support, such as food and clothing etc. Finally, creating a silent, yet respectful decline of All manner of buying, selling, and trading of (All THings) with, and between, prison Subcultural groups that collectively and individually oppress LGBTQIA+ incarcerated people. Now, may we all view the "crowded closer" as a worthy of our love and care. One Family.

AZANDE Press+ (7)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.
31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.
41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.
XZYZST, Editor
MPINGO, co-Editor
issue number 11.
djJULES, Supreme Medium
AZANDE Press+@YOuTube



Replies (3) Replies feed

Suyrendipity Posted 4 years, 5 months ago. ✓ Mailed 4 years, 5 months ago   Favorite
Hello! I was intrigued by your writing and content and I've done my best to transcribe it just how you formatted it. Keep up the grind fam, and never stop writing, influencing, and progressing forward when others are saying otherwise.

Keep your head up, King, and strive higher and further to create change within the prison system, and once you are free, to your community, society, and the rest of the world.

Floyd Smith Posted 4 years, 5 months ago.   Favorite
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DanielRainey Posted 1 year ago. ✓ Mailed 11 months, 3 weeks ago   Favorite

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