Blog 1660
Comment Reply [underlined] (ID:xrpt)
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I love when people write an extensive comment like yours. It lets me know folks really are seeing what I post, and a lot of times, you'll give me some things to think about too. Your comment had loads of that quality -- thanks. The fear issue has been a big one for me for a long time, probably unconsciously since early childhood, but very overtly since I was kidnapped and taken hostage. It's just so... unimaginable, really, that anyone would want to be paid and make a career from creating terror and dread. You suggest that even if they don't show any consciousness of their actions, fear creators and spreaders must still feel the consequences of their acts "inside". I don't know... maybe eventually [underlined], but in order to do that "job" day after day, it sure seems they'd have to be completely numb or dumb to the horrors they are responsible for. How can you perceive the flinch or wince or anxious stare you've caused, "feel" it inside, yet continue to act the same way? Maybe in one-time, drastic circumstances, but over and over and over, as a job [underlined]? I really think it requires a special type of psychopathy to choose a bade or other uniform of intimidation. There's just something wrong with anyone so willing to repeatedly, knowingly hurt others... and even then to be proud [underlined] of the damage they do.
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Replies (3)
I don't have a lot of the background information, but based on this post, you had me thinking about the inherent "goodness" or "badness" of people. There are some who believe that everyone is inherently good but sometimes do bad things or make mistakes, or others who believe that everyone is inherently bad and act in selfish ways. I don't know if there's a right answer for what makes some people good and others bad, but it is definitely something to consider. I am a college student studying psychology, so understanding the "why" and "how" of people is something I really want to get to the bottom of. Again, thank you for your post