April 17, 2011

"Don't wait, hesitate, or be late..."

by Librado Clemena, Jr. (author's profile)




My name is Librado Clemena, Jr., I'm an individual that is concerned about so many things out in the free world. One that has bothered me has been the welfare of those human beings of Japan. They have been victimized by Mother Nature so bad that today, they are still counting the bodies of the deceased.
I think to myself, what if that were to happen to us here in the United States? Are we prepared for such a drastic and catastrophic event? Can we be of assistance to those in need or are we going to be selfish as we've always been? Or can we be that person that we were meant to be and go help lift the individual(s) dust their knees, shake the dirt from their elbows. encourage and inspire them to move on with their lives? After all, someone, somewhere and somehow there's something more superior than ourselves that has given us and continues to provide us with the gift of life, "breath!"
However, everyday I watch the local and world news and when I see and/or hear something about another country suffering from Mother Nature or of some other horrible event; I immediately think to myself, "How could it be?" I humble myself to those people and I thank that one person more superior than myself and that is "God" for giving me and my loved ones another day of life.
The question is, can you identify with similar concerns and how does it make you feel to see what our allies are suffering and then our Country suffering financial turmoil? But all in all, the children of today's generation are the one's who will be suffering when it comes that time for them to attend college and/or pursue their careers. Just think to yourselves, what can we do to help?
If we don't unite and work amongst each other and not against one another, we as people and humankind will become failures at our mission in providing for our children and those who suffer through these hard times will never accomplish what needs to be done to bring compassion back to our community.
I speak through personal experience, which your life is your truth! I have gone through so much in my life and today I suffer like other parents do when their children are or have been misbehaving, no matter the age. We are still their parents! Look, I have a son serving to societies most evil drug, "Methamphetamines!" Is there a problem within our communities? Of course, and at one point and time, I contributed to this type of lifestyle. Do I accept responsibility and accountability for my own actions? Yes, I most definitely do! This is why I do what I do today and that is to help others, no matter who you are, where you're from, the color of your skin, or what your crime is - I see the person as I am suppose to, the human being that he or she is...

Librado Clemena, Jr.


Replies (1) Replies feed

micheleg53 Posted 12 years, 11 months ago. ✓ Mailed 12 years, 11 months ago   Favorite
Hey Librado (GoGo) love your blogs! I didn't know you were able to do this type of writing! Someone close told me about it! So I thought I would read some of your STUFF! Love it! I am sorry for what your children have went through and what they may still be going through. Sophia and Junior have prayers being said for them from people who care about them on a regular basis. God said " Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. Matthew 18:19. Things may work out in a different manor for both Sophia and Junior, but some peace may come to the both of them, and all who care about them. Looking forward for a reply. Will keep in in touch with reading your posts. I am on my laptop during the week, I will keep checking, but it says that you should receive this by 4/2.. Much Love

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