June 23, 2012

A Lesson Learned

by Robert Russell (author's profile)


A Lesson Learned

I have had the honor and privilege to witness man at his greatest these last two years. A student in Office Services, I'll call him Todd, has shown me what it means to persevere. This is a man who passed through our educational system with very little actual education. His TABE scores reflect only an elementary level education. This man absolutely should not be able to handle the course. The instructor should of had him removed. The TA's should of given up on him. There are many reasons this individual should not have succeeded. He has!

He has taken two years to complete the course other finish in a year, yet I feel his accomplishment far exceeds theirs. He has worked harder and has shown so much heart, it just amazes me. He loves the Good Lord and never seemed to get overly frustrated with himself, the Lord or us, he just kept at it. He is close to graduating, having taught me far more than I taught him.

I have watched men who routinely ridicule others encourage him along his path. It is as if all who have witnessed his journey see themselves in him, his success as their own. There should be more of Todd in each of us.

On Mothers Day Todd lost his Mother to illness. He will one day be reunited with her, but has had a crisis of faith as a result. He is going through his own dark noght of the soul. Even in this he perseveres. It just so happened that I had picked up a Christian Magazine all about the greats going through the same and was able to give it to him. God will see Todd, through this, as He has through it all. In God, we are able!

Let us all learn from those around us, who may not have it as easy as we do, often they are, or can be, our greatest teachers.

Peace and Light, Russ


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