There was a joke I heard decades ago when CDs became popular, pushing cassettes aside which itself pushed aside 8 tracks. "I'll have to buy White Album again."
That being the point here, DOC is finally getting mp3 players. Way to go, Oregon. Just missed the mark by 15 years! Now I literally have to buy the White Almbum again.
It's great that we get to catch up to rest of the world—sort of. There are some cool features. Email from friends and family for a small fee. Same with downloadable photos.
Of course, being inmates (sigh) we get a huge work up. 16G mp3 players for you free people is, what, $150 or so? 50% mark up is more like it. Songs which are probably 50 cents to $1.00 out there are surely gonna be double here.
Crocked, sure. But if you're a music lover, what are you gonna do? Eat a shit sandwich and accept it. So, pass the mustard.
Till next.
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