Sept. 15, 2012
by Rhonda J. Bays (author's profile)


August 24, 2012

I am sooo happy! To date I have lost 52lbs since I've started my weight loss. I am in a wonderful program here called 'Fit For Life'. It is a twelve week program where they teach us different things each week. One week will be on water intake, the next one dieting tips, then portion control and so on.
I am at the very end of the program and this week was the final weight in week.

My stats are as follow:
Lbs lost: 15.8
Body fat % lost: 3%
Inches lost: 12 ½

The most inches was around my waist which is 4 ½. That to me was great! This picture of me off to the right is 10lbs ago. Big difference from the first one I sent with the Dallas Cowboys background huh? I almost recognize myself again!
Anyhow, the winners will be announced next Friday. I hope I am one of the 3 big winners.
They get prizes and I just adore prizes!!

Just to let everyone that has family here at Carswell know, we are now allowed to receive soft covered books and magazines from home!(It used to be that they all had to come from a publisher or bookstore). This is awesome because now everyone can share books with their families, pick up cheap puzzle books from the Dollar Sotre and send them, etc.

[photo in black & white of Rhonda J. Bays sitting, wearing a shirt; beautiful pink and blue drawing of a decorated heart on bottom left hand side]


Replies (2) Replies feed

almuccia Posted 12 years, 5 months ago. ✓ Mailed 12 years, 5 months ago   Favorite
I enjoyed transcribing your post!
My compliments for your goal achieved!

SapphireJuda Posted 12 years, 1 month ago. ✓ Mailed 12 years, 1 month ago   Favorite
Hi Rhonda,
Great job on your effort to lose weight and stay healthy! You look great!

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