I appreciate you analyzing my blog for what it was. Honestly I think it's amazing that you don't let your past experiences change the person you are today. I know for a fact how the past can have a strong hold on the future and yet you remain untainted by it; I mean, I know to some degree it's had an effect on you but I haven't come across your type of woman before :) and honestly, I'm intrigued!
You being single is hard to believe but please believe I feel your pain, it's unfortunate I would run across a person such as yourself and not be able to make a presentable first impression!
Well, Nicki, I truly hope a male of worth snatches you up soon, until then don't change, stay solid.
Allen Johnson
2014 mar 4
2013 oct 25
2013 oct 25
2012 dec 22
2012 nov 25
2012 nov 25
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