My Blog Post: Just A Thought
What's up, folks around this beautiful world? Allow me to extend my utmost respects and embracements to all.
Today's topic is about being open-minded. But remember: this is only my thought. Feel free to speak your mind.
Being open-minded is a form of not passing any kind of judgment. It's an aspect that one needs to have to really understand what life is truly about. It's defining the negative and positive aspects, and accepting it for what it is. It's a form of accepting what is present without passing any form of hate. Anti-social and discrimination in life or any human being. It's very hard to define this matter, but in a simple form, it's being humble about yourself and the way you feel. Act the way you was raised and not what you ain't. Being open-minded is the best form of living happy and being yourself. Holla, folks. What do you think about this—on a different note.
I was asked by Chris is I think (thought) some decisions have already being made for us by God. Well, brotha, I'm going have to say yes. As a firm believer, the Bible states God already knows our life and what is going to take place. Please read Gen 1:27—or start from chapter one. Hopefully, this will help you! If not holla holla—take care. Oscar.
To Saorise 1888, my regards to you. To answer your response, sometimes we do get confused in what we learn and read. But it's the mystery that makes us strong. I believe the true propa is defining all that you learn to it's maximum aspects to get a better understanding is to define what is taught. So what mystery does the prophecy book hold and define the prophecy.
Let me know your thoughts. My heart and regards to the states that got hit by the tornadoes. May God bless them.
With respects,
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