Feb. 5, 2013

Comment Response

by Jeremy Pinson (author's profile)
This post is in reply to comments on:  Comment Response thumbnail
Comment Response
(Dec. 19, 2012)


Reply ID = mxeu


You could not have said it any better. SAH is an internet borne parasite and you really should pay this individual no mind. I don't begrudge people their right to disagree but I get a little miffed when they use personal attacks to gain points in some imaginary debate. You can't reason with malicious or delusional people so let SAH go suck a lemon.

Hannah Brancher came up with a truly splendid idea. I would love to do something similar but in my country unsolicited letters from a prison inmate would likely prompt a police inquiry even if the contents were benevolent. It sounds charming, though.

Speaking of letters, I got your "stones" card today and it was beautiful. Rarely in my life has anyone gave me such good advice in a mixture of revelation, inspiration and wisdom. You are truly a gem :). I'm writing back tonight.

- Jeremy Pinson


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