Feb. 10, 2013

Dear Blog (1/17/13)

by Nicholas Lear


Dear blog,

it's official, the Mental Health group I was involved in was disbanded for being too disturbed, If I didn't know better, this could be ego-damaging. I mean, for hell's sake, when you're too f***ed-up for therapy, there might be a problem.

In actuality, the therapist has been showing serious signs of fatigue - 15 years of working with prisoner psychosis - and today's group pushed him over the edge. The psychiatrist here at Utah D.O.C. has shown a propensity towards abruptly stopping inmates' psych meds. This is not good. One of out group members was on his second day without meds, and she snapped a little bit on his daughter's mother, in terms showing less than high regard for her. The therapist took offence to the terms of endearment being articulated by a father being denied parental rights, which result in first, a melt-down in communication, and then, the termination of our group.

The good news, I now get an extra hour to play guitar at music school on Thursday afternoons.

The bad news, the weight of working Mental Health seems to be taking its toll on Wasatche's therapist, leaving him worse for the wear, and inmates without adequate mental health resources.

Well, my beloved Broncos bowed out of the play-offs in the first round, taking my fantasy play-off picks down with them. Next year, baby.

I'm getting back into my training regiment, now that I'm back at Special Gym, training the elderly and infirm. This morning I spent an hour training a paraplegic, and an hour doing yoga with out yoga group. Tonight my left shoulder - where the triceps connects to the upper body - is killing. I'm staying light, just working range of motion mostly, but even that causes pain. Rehab isn't easy.

I don't know what I've previously written about injuring my shoulder, but in short, they - DOC- made me climb up on a wobbly bay to transverse between floor and top bunk, resulting in me falling and injuring my knee. I reported the fall and the dangerous living conditions - they had put me in a room with no desk or softey ladder, and assigned me to the top bunk even though the bottom bunk was empty - and when they refused to address the issue, leaving to mount and dismount via an up-ended locker top, inevitably I fell again, injuring my shoulder area.

It sucks, it's been almost 5 months and I still have problems, but it is improving.

Until next entry,

Nicholas Lear #14815
P.P Box 250
Draper, Utah 84020


Replies (2) Replies feed

Voice12 Posted 11 years, 11 months ago. ✓ Mailed 11 years, 11 months ago   Favorite
Wow...hopefully they will find someone else to run your group?? Good luck with that! Enjoy your music in the meantime.

Nicholas Lear Posted 11 years, 10 months ago.   Favorite
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