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itsmeok Posted 12 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
The fact that there are more white people in the state than blacks may have something to do with it. Maybe because there are more whites than blacks in the country. Maybe it is just that not as many blacks have applied or are qualified for the position. I speak from experience and in my department at work I am 1 of 3 black men that work with about 50-60 whites. This is just on my floor and not the company as a whole. When we make the choice to seize control you can control your destiny. I choose to take control of my destiny when I was at Custer High school in Milwaukee. I choose to not make the choices that my other classmates made. Although I have had some run-in's with the law and made some mistakes the fact remains that even when you make a mistake, you can still control the outcome. When I was locked up, I was free in my mind because I had a plan. When I was released, I worked that plan. It was not easy and I had many bad days but I could never blame the white man for the mistakes that this black man made himself. The fact remains that there are consequences to our actions and we must pay what we weigh.

Posted on AMC 2012 by Gesa S. Kalafi (Stanley Felton) AMC 2012
Goldfish1871 Posted 12 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post. Good luck with your nieces and nephew's portraits

Posted on Chronicles of an American Jackass #2 by Michael Spurlock Chronicles of an American Jackass #2
Schneehase Posted 12 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
Excuse me for posting again, but I just saw those pictures in front of my inner eye...

Jesus telling you "I forgive you, come in into heaven", you answering what you posted, "nope, I don´t want into heaven", and then sitting in hell after your own choice complaining that God is like a kid burning ants for a kick and that he is cruel by forcing you either to love him or to go to hell....

Heavens, you may be no Einstein but I do assume you have that little brain that is necessary to understand the contradictions in your postings....

And another thing:
You accuse Hiding in the darkness of wishing you to rot in hell.
But if you don´t want to come into heaven anyway, isn´t that just what you wish yourself?

Just wondering.
You know that I have a different personal standpoint about heaven and hell and I don´t wish anyone anything bad....

Posted on Comment Response by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Comment Response
arcadiaego Posted 12 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
SAH: he writes about people posting negative comments *anonymously*. Whatever your opinions, you can't argue that he puts his real name to his posts.

Posted on Comment Response by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Comment Response
SAH Posted 12 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
Hey, Ronnie - I've finished my research on your cases according to court records.

So as not to bore everybody - care to make a statement or two about your FIRST MURDER CONVICTION? Tell us about that one (the fisherman in case you've forgotten).

When you come up for air, care to tell us about your "bride" ... you remember her, right?

Posted on Comment Response by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Comment Response
SAH Posted 12 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
Ronnie writes about ppl posting negatives on the internet...yet the majority of his defamation (libel and slander) had to do with the former warden of his habitat (reddish).

pot, meet kettle.

Posted on Comment Response by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Comment Response
SAH Posted 12 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
I agree. The woman he "wooed" and married and who got a 12 year sentence for attempting to hijack a helicopter and bust him out of his jail has been released (2010) and returned home overseas to her family and grandchildren.

She did share some very poignant takes on Ronald Clark. She visited him EVERY Saturday when possible. She had NO IDEA he was spewing his "love" to other women via USPS. She thought she was "his". She found out that RC is only about RC. In fact, after she was arrested for the "act" - RC never even mentioned her by name. He never made any attempt to contact her (they WERE married). That speaks volumes for the character of RC.

The other homicide 'ole Ronnie was convicted of was about 2 years before the one for which he is on death row. This victim was a fisherman.
RC was found guilty and got the death penalty but his sentence was overturned. They reduced his penalty to LIFE WITHOUT PAROLE. He then was tried and found guilty (with death) in his other case.

Posted on Comment Response by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Comment Response
Schneehase Posted 12 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
I´m afraid the alternative to heaven is hell, not "not existing anymore".....

So I´d be carefull with my wishes if I were you. ;-)

Posted on Comment Response by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Comment Response
Ronald W. Clark, Jr Posted 12 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
(scanned reply – view as blog post)

Posted on Extermination Under The Mantel Of Justice by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Extermination Under The Mantel Of Justice
JohnO88 Posted 12 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
Ronnie I'm doing good man i been working and staying away from the drug's i hope that you are doing ok I'll write you soon i been working alot trying to make ends meet its hard but it could be worse take care my friend

Posted on Comment Response by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Comment Response
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