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SAH Posted 12 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
How can you expect to represent yourself if your motions are RIFE with misspellings? Just asking? Instead of worrying about the warden or the sgts....I'd get a DICTIONARY and use it.

Posted on Off DC by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Off DC
SAH Posted 12 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
Mr. Willis and/or his family did not seek out the crime you visited on him or his family. Stop grumbling, griping, bitching and take it like the tough guy you were in 1990. The only difference is there is a dead man and it's now 2012 (oh, and you're on death row for murder and your number is coming bad). Anyway - no difference except the calendar date. The victim (Mr Willis) is dead and you're on death row. At least the state will let you know your date. Mr. Willis had no idea of his. You've written gazillions of published material but I'm having problems finding materials that Mr. Willis published about the important parts of his life...the injustices..the hypocricy, the thugs, the fear, the importance of job and family. I guess his book will be "ghost written" after your execution? I'd like to use a french phrase to close this post but all that comes to mind is FRENCH FRIES. I never disliked you in the beginning. The verbal vomit about the warden was a red flag. The rest of the posts were the casualty field.

Posted on Off DC by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Off DC
SAH Posted 12 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
I just went back and re-read several news accounts of this horrific crime. Mr. Clark - I hope you are prepared to meet your maker because we sure don't need you here. Your three hots and a cot could go nicely to a group home for teenagers or to the ASPCA. You deserve no more funding or maintenance. CYA! WOULDN'T WANT TO BE YA!

Posted on Off DC by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Off DC
SAH Posted 12 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
Oh, ONE MORE NOTE Mr. Clark:

It seems you have had PLENTY of time since your incarceration to become literate. Actually, you present very well but your boldness and laziness shows in your grammar/spelling. I'm no champ but I try to impart proper spelling when appropriate (I use spell check when sending documents). You spew this verbal vomit FULL of misspelled words and expect to get the attention you're asking for? In my opinion, you come off like a nut case. That, in my opinion, (besides your murder conviction) will be your downfall. NOW TELL US ALL YOU'VE HAD NO ACCESS TO A DICTIONARY. ROFL.

Posted on Off DC by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Off DC
angeleyes Posted 12 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
Bitch you lie too so don't even try to put everything on Sean. There is a police report showing you was arrested for child abuse AFTER Sean was already locked up. And why was your kids taken away from you & put in foster homes????

Posted on Interview Of An Innocent Man by Nathaniel Lindell Interview Of An Innocent Man
Harlan Richards Posted 12 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
(scanned reply – view as blog post)

Posted on Life After Murder by Harlan Richards Life After Murder
whoeveryouwantmetobe Posted 12 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
Sean is a proven liar. His PrisonInmates pen pal ad says he is getting out of prison soon because of new DNA evidence. But on here and most other places he says he was convicted on nothing other than his ex-wife's words. Explain the contradiction.
Explain why Sean took his own Between the Bars blog down?
Explain why Sean Riker was and FBI informant for a prison murder?
Explain why Sean loses all of his court motions against his ex-wife, the Racine Co. Jail, the WI DOC and anything else he files. He hasn't won one yet.
Explain why he had to have a special cell at the jail and be taken into court like hanibal lector?
Explain why he spent all his time in Maximum security prisons?
Explain his ourburst at the judge and prosecutors when he cursed them all, threatened to kill them and actually had their addresses in his cell?
Did you see the video of Sean at court screaming at the judge? Because I guess you haven't seen Sean in almost two decades. How do you see this and say he's innocent of everything and just the nicest guy ever
If you have proof that his ex-wife lied then post it here. I'd love to see it. Prove what you say. I can post my stuff all day long to show what kind of person Sean is.

Posted on Interview Of An Innocent Man by Nathaniel Lindell Interview Of An Innocent Man
whoeveryouwantmetobe Posted 12 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
Where is the proof Sean is/was a great father to his TWO other kids on the west coast? Because Sean says that his letters were thrown away by the boys' mother and he had no contact with them. And if he was in prison from them being toddlers to young adults how could he possibly have been a great father to them? Show proof or go away.
Yeah, everybody has got it wrong. Sean committed pipe bombings in Utah, Sean was a member of the NLR in prison and has an extensive and violent prison history, Sean was convicted in 1991 for inflicting corporal punishment on a spouse out of CA, Sean committed several crimes in Utah including rammig a forklift through the side of this workplace building and stealing all of the employee Christmas bonus checks, stealing quarters from car washes, stealing mail from USPS locations and the list goes on. Yeah, Sean is just always at the wrong place at the wrong time and everybody who thinks he actually is a monster just doesn't "know" him enough.
How do you know Sean? Are you Christina? Why did you leave him? Why didn't you let the boys visit him in prison? Why did your mother think Sean was the devil? Give me a fucking break. Where were you the last 15 years of his life and since 2006 when he was with his other wife. You never once visited him when he was in Utah or Wisconsin. He may have been one way (violent still apparently) in the late 80's early 90's and after 12 years in federal max prisons he came out another way. His ex was 22 when she met him, stupid - sure, but knew that she would be beat almost daily and have her kids abused - hell no! And considering it takes a fucking dozen deputies with half of them in full fucking riot gear to get Sean into court what exactly was his ex wife suppose to do to proect herself and her kids from Sean's rage? One woman against Sean in private vs. 12 cops in riot gear against Sean. You are stupid.
Show me your proof bitch, because there was all of his ex's proof at court and he DID get convicted. You can't "KNOW" anything about things that you were NOT there to witness. You "think" you know but you DO NOT KNOW. I hope your God judges you harshly for defending a monster.

Posted on Interview Of An Innocent Man by Nathaniel Lindell Interview Of An Innocent Man
SAH Posted 12 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
I'd be even more afraid to face the higher power when that time comes if I were you. Dying will be the easy part. The ultimate judge you have not yet faced. Rather than continue to rant, rave and rage about your conditions - have you considered taking this last bit of time making peace with yourself and asking your higher power for forgiveness? Instead of continuing some rather questionable rants and blogs about Reddish (sp?), could you not have used that time more productively? You only hurt yourself with posting, for instance, the DUI allegations. You're kicking the junk yard dog expecting NOT TO GET BIT. But...bit you have and will continue to be. You're not as bright as you think you are, Mr. Clark.

Posted on Life Without Parole by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Life Without Parole
SAH Posted 12 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
On Monday, April 4, 2011 you wrote in a blog (in part):
"I am not looking for forgiveness or sympathy. What I would like to see is equal justice. Had John David Hatch been sentenced to death, then I would have no qualms about sitting here waiting to die for a murder that I did not prevent but did not commit. Again, in my mind I’m just as guilty as Hatch. For my part in the murder of Ronald Willis, I truly do apologize to his family and friends for my inept stupidity that resulted in the loss of their loved one. Forgive me not, for I do not forgive myself.
Regretfully submitted,
Ronald W. Clark, Jr

My question, Mr. Clark, is why you continue to write things such as "Sane people don't go to work looking to beat on helpless defenseless individuals. They don't look for ways to make an indiviudals like as miserable as possible. No---those are the act's of individuals who are sick and mentally disturbed". Mr Willis was a helpless and defenseless individual who did what he thought was a kind deed by offering you both a ride. For that he gave his life.

I, for one, take umbrage at your continued whining and chit stirring about your conditions at the prison. I'm sure Mr. Willis would rather be there with 3 hots (or 1 hot and 2 colds) and a cot rather than in a pine box.

STOP WHINING. You've already said you're guilty. You were caught and now you are at the mercy of the penal institution you are caged at.

While I do not agree with the death penalty, I truly believe there are some humans that are just not safe to release back into humanity. You, in my opinion, are one of them. Your anger, angst, denial, narcissism, ego and rage makes you like a ticking bomb and we all know what the outcome would be should you ever be released. I'd even fear you being released to general population at your facility. Don't know where you're at in your appeals and I really don't care. I just wish they would take your pen/pencils and paper away so that you do not continue to pollute and spew.

Posted on Off DC by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Off DC
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