Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post. It sounds like you really care about your family. I was also very happy to hear that Obama came out in support of same-sex marriage.
Just dropped in and thought I'd send a note :) I read regularly, but I'm no better about writing here than I am about writing in real life. I love you .... Now you know who this is <giggle>
Your situation is very complicated, but I believe that no human should be put to death by a system of government. We are better than that and more people need to admit it, take it to heart and do something about it. I will support your cause and will tell your story One Eagle. Best Regards, Todd
Hello again Johnny. I decided to go and read all your blogs. I have a lot of time since I've moved and have unlimited access to the internet. First of all thank you for the birthday wishes, and I'm glad you got your pizza and swiss rolls on yours. You were always a sweeties type of guy. I remember your breakfast of a Dr. Pepper and a reeses peanut butter cup. I cant write you in the normal way so I hope this will help you in some way. Our son has started playing football. He seems to enjoy it although I'm not to sure of it. The thought of guys trying to tackle my son my baby does not thrill me. Ellie although stunning is stubborn and quick witted. The best and worst of us both. As for Michaila she is truely a blessing. You dont know much of her since we split when she was so young. In reading your blogs I remember a lot of the things you write of. I also realize how smart you are and for that I'm glad our children have such a intelligent gene pool. I Often tease my current husband of the disadvantages of breeding with idiots. You think you have a monster ex you should meet his, she has all the charm of an ingrown toe nail. He like you is not able to have contact with his biological children because of thier mothers hate and selfishness. I dont want to be one of your bitter exes dispite my hurt feelings. So if my children wish to write you in this I will allow it. I will not force any of them to do so, it must come at thier own accord. Sometimes Michaila will ask questions of you and I answer honestly even if its not your shineing moment but I will not lie to the kids. We had always said we were not going to candy coat the world for them and I've continued that. She is however the one who looks most like you. Same strong jawline and nose. And although her eyes are brown she has the same intense look in her eyes. I think my only true resentment towards you is my feelings of abandonment for your children. I know life is hard for you but raising 3 kids is hard. With you being held hostage I get no help with child support and I think of all the other women out there in my situation. Its traggic really. The system takes away men who have things that need to taken care of out here and leave the women and children who need them to the wolves. I'm not saying "I" need you but other wives and mothers. Oh cheese and crackers I'm not making sence. As for South Carolina I agree with you on the whole states money hungry greed. For 5 years I've been struggling to get out from under thier grip and now here I am 1500 miles away and having to call and beg them for my release. I think this time I'm almost out of their grasp. Jeff ask if I'll come back and I havent the heart to tell him how much I dispise that place. Ok I've nothing more to say so I'll close this for now. Take care of yourself, Oh and as I had mentioned before when your captors release you, youre welcome to come and visit us. Opal M.
African Classic! One of many descriptions to describe X-Ray Robinson. One word could never ever justify your existence because you are an end times mega influence on anybody you encounter, full of God's glory! I'm just really joyful that I had the pleasure to meet you at Pastor Ni Ni's church that day! I remember, you were wearing fatigues, like you just left the jungle :). I was impressed and connected immediately with the anointing you were operating in. I had to know this interested chap and I got the privilidge (spell) of an intimate friendship with you. Out time in praise and worship together should have been was lethal :)
I love your thankful blog, awesome. Mom and dad are together? What a blessing! God continues to be God for us..I'm smiling! The support you are blessed with seems to be God inspired as well. Jesus love you with such a special love X-Ray. I look forward to seeing you again really soon! I love you! Peace and blessings!
WOW!!!! HEY PREACAH :) THOSE LYRICS ARE DEEP AND AWESOME, MUCH LIKE YOU ARE! Man, I would love to hear the music you created. You're such an anointing! Can you blog sounds/music, kinda like smellavision? smile :) maybe one day huh. I finally figured out how to use the blog, forgive me for taking so long k. I love love love you!
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post. This was very eye-opening and much appreciated - I'm slowly but surely working my way through all the letters that need transcriptions, so I'm sure to read many more of your posts, and I'll write responses when I can and when I have something of interest to converse about (undoubtedly I will). Stay strong brother, and best wishes.
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post. Very eloquently put and excellent ideas put forth - best of luck with the issue you raised, and if I can find a way to help, I will do what I can.
I work with a national newsletter called Prison Health News, and we are looking for more writers who are currently incarcerated. I'm wondering if you would be willing to write for us about health issues at some point. All all of our articles are written for people in prison, meaning that they are intended to be most useful to people inside (the articles are not about telling people on the outside what it's like inside.) We are looking for 3 types of articles:
1) basic health info about particular conditions like hep c, HIV, asthma, etc, what are the treatments, how to prevent it, etc.
2) how to successfully advocate for yourself and others to get the medical care and mental health care that you need
3) political campaigns that fight for change that will affect a lot of people in prison and their access to good health care or the improvement of their health more broadly.
Please write to me at
Prison Health News c/o Philadelphia FIGHT 1233 Locust Street, 5th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19107
If you address your letter to me by name, I'll be sure to get it, otherwise someone who is staff there will respond to you.
I love you .... Now you know who this is <giggle>
Best Regards, Todd
Opal M.
I love your thankful blog, awesome. Mom and dad are together? What a blessing! God continues to be God for us..I'm smiling! The support you are blessed with seems to be God inspired as well. Jesus love you with such a special love X-Ray. I look forward to seeing you again really soon! I love you! Peace and blessings!
I work with a national newsletter called Prison Health News, and we are looking for more writers who are currently incarcerated. I'm wondering if you would be willing to write for us about health issues at some point. All all of our articles are written for people in prison, meaning that they are intended to be most useful to people inside (the articles are not about telling people on the outside what it's like inside.) We are looking for 3 types of articles:
1) basic health info about particular conditions like hep c, HIV, asthma, etc, what are the treatments, how to prevent it, etc.
2) how to successfully advocate for yourself and others to get the medical care and mental health care that you need
3) political campaigns that fight for change that will affect a lot of people in prison and their access to good health care or the improvement of their health more broadly.
Please write to me at
Prison Health News
c/o Philadelphia FIGHT
1233 Locust Street, 5th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19107
If you address your letter to me by name, I'll be sure to get it, otherwise someone who is staff there will respond to you.
Keep up the fight, and take care.
In solidarity,
Suzy Subways