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Erne2017VM Posted 7 years, 7 months ago.   Favorite
20 June 17 Yes William:
I just re-read your post 3 times. It is so very spot on. I have never read anyone's writing like you write. I absolutely love how you can assimulate data and write so eloquently. You have worked very hard on all the courses you have done since exiled. Plus.
As I mentioned in a card to you. You are a Teacher, and Educator and incredible Being. The more you understand the more you raise your vibrations to change the condition you are in and other beings conditions. I admire your abilities. Thank your for posting. I am not in to Tarot Cards but truly get your signicance here. . . Well said. xo ML, Erne

Posted on Key 4 Temperance by William Goehler Key 4 Temperance
Rita Posted 7 years, 7 months ago.   Favorite
hey Kelly, recently I met two interesting persons. I came from the film Michelangelo- famous! and sat on a tram where I met Geertje.Pronounce the double ee like the a of gate.She is Dutch, married without children. They like to live in Antwerp(en)!Culturely you are bombarded with activities!We are so very spoiled here.
We drank something afterwards- t is so hot! en remain friends. Her husband writes poetry.
Then when I went babysitting at Elke's children, Lynn 3 and Lars, 1,while waiting for the train I helped a Swedish man. I told him I studied Swedish and he also was the very first Swede I met. We sat together on the train, he gave me his email and he invited me to Sweden!!When I am up te it. :o He had been here to graspop, a well known festival.
WHY do I meet so many interesting people?
I had so much fun with the grandchildren! I remained at Lynn's school, un der the roof on the playground, because it's soooo very hot!! 32 degrees.
Too much for us; we're not used to those temperatures.

Have a better time, Kelly. I wish you much energy and positivism... I know it's difficult. :( Listen if you can, to John Prine; he's good! and Tish Hinojosa and John Gorka. George's faves. :))

love and blessings! Rita xxx

Posted on Dear Readers (8/8/16) by Kelly Jones Dear Readers (8/8/16)
Maggie Posted 7 years, 7 months ago.   Favorite
What sort of stamps do you need exactly? Can they only be book form, or are you allowed a roll of 100? And how can we help,with your commissary issues? Your posts are the real thing, and I'd like to see a bit more happiness there. Also, what's an i? You always talk about an I.

Posted on Journal Entry by Jeremiah Ray Bond Journal Entry
Cavak Posted 7 years, 7 months ago.   Favorite
Paul, have you read any of these books: Locking Up Our Own, The Death of Innocents by Sister Helen Prejean, The New Jim Crow, or Doing Time Like a Spy?

There is a bias against people who speak out against the system and by those running it. To suggest otherwise is disrespectful to these speakers too. How can you talk as if you know so much if you haven't been there to experience it yourself? You have not been charged a criminal and revoked for many "normal" rights for your livelihood, that's why.

I am not defending everything that Muise is saying since I know that he is not always accurate with some of his citations either. I admit to not always liking everything he writes either.

What I am doing is highlighting that you have been continuously nitpicking and siding with the "hard on crime" approach towards Muise without fully considering all the perspectives on the issues he presents. Dismissing his voice and accepting the norm, no matter how flawed, as the only solid truth in your view. Why not take the chance to really listen and think more about what is being said?

Muise, I hope when you get out, you will find people who truly accept you as a changed man. I hope your family welcomes you back with open arms.

Posted on Failures Too Great To Ignore by Timothy J. Muise Failures Too Great To Ignore
Donald Tinsley Posted 7 years, 7 months ago.   Favorite
(scanned reply – view as blog post)

Posted on Starting my 23rd Year in Prison by Donald Tinsley Starting my 23rd Year in Prison
Erne2017VM Posted 7 years, 7 months ago.   Favorite
It's happening my Theta friend.

Spoke to JR on 15th of June.


Posted on Comment Response by William Goehler Comment Response
Erne2017VM Posted 7 years, 7 months ago.   Favorite
Cups: The cups transferring the waters here are a symbol of finding the right mix, keeping in motion, and going with the flow. The cups and the water have also been thought as a biblical symbol reminiscent of Christ turning water into wine. The symbolism here is that we are able to transform any situation into something different by our tempering our thoughts and actions in such a way as to bring about the results we desire.
Feet: Feet are symbolic of a pilgrimage, and make reference to our spiritual walk. The right foot (consciousness) is dipped into the water which is symbolic of the subconscious. This is a signal that our analytical minds need to be hushed for a bit. The left foot (unconsciousness) is settled on land which is a signal to ground ourselves. Again - this card is all about balance. As we align our mind, body and spirit we begin to see amazing results in our lives.
Triangle: In Ancient Egypt, the Triangle was seen as a symbol of intelligence and indicated the capacity for love. The Buddhists utilize this geometric pattern in the Sri Yantra mandala as a tool to invoke the energy of love. The triangle also deals with the love represented in the mother, father, child union as well as the holy trinity. As mentioned earlier, as a graphic representation of an inverted triangle, it symbolizes a vessel in which love is poured or carried. Additionally, this symbol has long been recognized as a sign of balance and creativity.

Key Questions Relative to the Temperance Tarot Card Meanings:

When contemplating the Temperance Tarot card meanings, ask yourself the following questions:
Do you go with the flow, or do you struggle with change?

What can you do to create more peace and balance in your life?

Are you on a life path that forks in the road? Are you torn between two paths?

What thoughts, beliefs or actions can you merge together to create harmony in your life?

What would it take for you to get just the right mix or find a happy-medium in your life?

Are you concerned about your health? If so, what steps can you take to strike a healthy balance?

Posted on Key 4 Temperance by William Goehler Key 4 Temperance
Erne2017VM Posted 7 years, 7 months ago.   Favorite
Hello WG: This is a great post. Thank you for putting there. For those who need more understanding I am posting a bit more to appreciate Will's wonderful thoughts.
“”Temperance Tarot Card Meanings
So many of the Tarot cards (seemingly all of them to one extent or another), deal with balance and its importance in our lives. Yes, certainly the Temperance Tarot card meanings are about balance. But there's more to it than that.
We have to be thoughtful in our approach to this card because its meaning won't hit us over the head like a ton of bricks. Rather, it's a subtle card that whispers in our ear "come closer."
Key Words for the Temperance Tarot Card Meanings
• Merging
• Balance
• Healing
• Blending
• Connection
• Chemistry
• Fluidity
• Moderation
As we lean in closer to hear with our spiritual ears exactly what Temperance has to say - we find we aren't listening for words at all. What we hear is the tranquil waters running through our spirits. These are cleansing rivers that run through our energies, providing us with peace and healing. Imagine you are diving into these crystal-clear waters. Diving in is an act of connecting to our source and by connecting we find rejuvenation in the rhythmic flow of healing waters moving through us. Mesmerizing, isn't it?
There is a lot of power in this card, and the "flow" is the source of that power. The Temperance card is a call for us to recognize the flow in our own lives, and observe the nature of energy. When we pull this card in a reading it is an indication that a healing is in need or is taking place. It is also a sign that subtle shifts are or need to take place in order to gain that peaceful scene we see pictured in this card.
When we quietly and objectively investigate our life's path we begin to see patterns. Temperance encourages us to take these patterns and find a good balance in our lives. Envision the flowing waters of this card and see all the imbalance drifting away in your life. When moderation is put into play, and we connect with a natural flow, then healing begins to occur at all levels.
The keyword chemistry is included here because Temperance deals with mixing the right ingredients in our lives in order to flow easily upon the path of our choosing. It takes a little time to balance the load just right, but once we do we experience some tremendous breakthroughs in our progress.
On a more day-to-day level the Temperance card often indicates a commitment to sobriety, a healing taking place, a need for emotional stability, and a need for self-love. Very often spiritual seekers will pull this card as a promise of new growth after they've experienced spiritual "drought."
Key Symbols Relative to Temperance Tarot Card Meanings:
This section focuses in on a few select symbols that can help us further define the Temperance Tarot card meanings.

Posted on Key 4 Temperance by William Goehler Key 4 Temperance
Paul Posted 7 years, 7 months ago.   Favorite
Seems we are seeing a huge credibility gap appearing between what #W66927 says and what is actual fact.

For years we have had to endure claims of being the "expert in correctional failure"
Seemingly he has not chosen this accolade but has had it thrust upon him. By whom we have no idea.
Perhaps it is his 'special friend' with whom he communes.

Let's examine his claim. Seems he subscribes to the urban legend of Nero fiddling while Rome burned.
Fiddles didn't exist till the 11 century so it seems impossible to play one in 64 ad.

MRSA wasn't born in the DOC. Definitive analysis into the origins shows that MRSA occurs in three specific groups of people: (1) persons currently in the hospital (hospital-associated MRSA), (2) persons with recent hospitalization or ongoing contact with medical clinics, dialysis units, or those undergoing complex outpatient treatments, such as chemotherapy (healthcare-associated MRSA), and (3) persons in the community (community-associated MRSA).

His claim of locking up crack cocaine users leaving children fatherless......30 years ago....
is the reason we now have gangs totally disregards the fact that in the 'persons of colour' 73% of children are born to un-married mothers.
Perhaps this illustrates that it is actually nothing to do with crack users being locked up. Perhaps some data will clarify that.

Racial or ethnic group

Percent of births considered "non-marital"
Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders
17 percent
Non-Hispanic whites
29 percent
53 percent
American Indian and Native Alaskans
66 percent
Non-Hispanic blacks
73 percent

Taking into consideration that in some cases there may be a male in the household we still have a 67% single parent family

The thought that it is some sort of Government conspiracy is simply laughable.

To sermonize, for all these years, as the 'go to' person and an address for senators, congressmen and any other DOC involved person to find out how to successfully enable re-entry of offenders has been de-bunked by his own total failure to prepare for his own imminent release.
Despite all of his claims to being an expert he is woefully unprepared having squandered thousands of dollars and the benefit of 'many supporters' and family his own words on 31st. of May........"I am angry and unprepared".

Says it all really.


Posted on Failures Too Great To Ignore by Timothy J. Muise Failures Too Great To Ignore
Rita Posted 7 years, 7 months ago.   Favorite
hello dear Kelly,

Know that you are very 'dear' to me.:))) One day we'll meet. When George is free, I could visit you in the future.Remember, ok?
i just got your letter in 12 days; the letters from George also arrive about that time.
I heard from Jessica that he has a new parole board in the summer of 2018.She tells me this:'I am so very sorry to hear of the difficulty you and Mr Peter Sr had in getting into Menard. I cannot even begin to imagine how frustrated you must be.I believe that Mr. Peter will be before the parole board in the summer of 2018, although it would be difficult to specify the month because they often cancel the monthly meetings during the summer.We can talk more whether it makes sense for you to attend when the time is closer. Your continued support of him, as always, helps to keep his spirits up and helps him in his quest to parole. I hope you are doing well.'
I just wrote her to keep me updated and tell me in 'time'(!).To book my flight in advance and to hear if the time is right for his dad and the driver, John.- (I listen to the marvelous music of John Prine!!)I got the name of George. He sings right now about a big old goofy world. ;)If you can, listen also to the music of John Gorka and Christine Lavin, Kelly!Also Tish Hinojosa is great!
Kelly, I heard from your misadventures!:(( Too bad this happened.I won't ask why.;)No books to read? No MP3 player in your hole?I Just hope you can get another job. Real trouble with not be permitted to go to the Commissary either; for that long!!Yes, we always have some problems when visiting.But one can't fight Mother nature,eh.I will see him again in October, after the visit to Leslie (and the kids and their black puppy Kona; half a labrador).In Menard we have less hours(4 max) and even a day less(5). :(My friend from England, Win, my age, couldn't visit her husband Les when he was there!Now G.'s dad comes to bring me to Chester.But she hadn't anybody.We knew each other by visiting 'man'. :))We email regularly. She says longer at her mother in law.When our men were in different prisons already, she and her came to see me in my hotel in Illinois. She had visited a friend in the neighborhood.Her country suffered so very much lately!Deadly attacks and now that tower building that burned as a torch!!
Better news here.Lately I did Contemporanian Dance last weekend.We got two teachers on both days.SO GREAT! On the floor-black thick plastic- we rolled, did fast movements on our butts, slide etc. We had to make our own invented movements in small groups to create our special creation.Like a choreography so to say.We danced from 10 am till 5pm!1 and a half hr to take a break and eat our lunch. It was difficult,but felt oh so good! My buttocks hurt the next day.i knew why;).I was surprised again about how much I was able to do! I've danced a Biodanza again.And this Friday, I will dance in the Carwash theater again,with a new Biodanza group.I know 2 people from my other group.

Posted on Dear Readers (8/8/16) by Kelly Jones Dear Readers (8/8/16)
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