Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post.
Thank you for informing us about what's going on and your concern about paying attention to how money is spent and could be saved. Wish this message gets out to the right person.
Byron, I finally had a chance to read all the testimonials, they look great! Looks like most of them are transcribed now. Give me a call this week so we can catch up. I am going to try and stop by on July 8th. FYI - the book that I have been trying to send to you "Just Mercy" keeps getting returned, i'll talk to Kathy to see if I'm doing something wrong. Take Care, Joe.
Hi Donald: I am interested to know what self improvement courses have you done while on vacation? What beliefs do you have about spirituality? Do you believe you lived other life times? Are you intersted in learning something new? Something that will improve your communications or ethics or study skills? You may have posted the answers to some of these questions but I would prefer a summary from you. I also want to know what type of books interest you? What skills do you have? What jobs do you have in exile? What your daily routine is? What you think could be done to actually rehabilitate mankind to have peace on earth? Do you believe in alternative medicine? What is your opinion of Psychiatry? I help people learn how to gain their self respect. Man winds up incarerated because they loose their self-respect. Don't know who they are and why they are here. Thank you for allowing me to write to you on BtB. It is a grand communication site. sincerely Erne of Florida
Thank you for informing us about what's going on and your concern about paying attention to how money is spent and could be saved. Wish this message gets out to the right person.
The system is broken!!!
Hope he keeps writing.
Former Guard
I am interested to know what self improvement courses have you done while on vacation?
What beliefs do you have about spirituality?
Do you believe you lived other life times?
Are you intersted in learning something new? Something that will improve your communications or ethics or study skills?
You may have posted the answers to some of these questions but I would prefer a summary from you.
I also want to know what type of books interest you?
What skills do you have? What jobs do you have in exile?
What your daily routine is?
What you think could be done to actually rehabilitate mankind to have peace on earth?
Do you believe in alternative medicine?
What is your opinion of Psychiatry?
I help people learn how to gain their self respect. Man winds up incarerated because they loose their self-respect.
Don't know who they are and why they are here.
Thank you for allowing me to write to you on BtB. It is a grand communication site. sincerely
Erne of Florida