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Jessica Posted 8 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
What is the status with CURE and CUREARM?

Posted on Lifer's Group Minutes(10/3/16) by Timothy J. Muise Lifer's Group Minutes(10/3/16)
Jessica Posted 8 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
I hate this system and what it has done to our society. I'm so very tired of all the destruction and suffering it has caused all in the guise of so called justice. What is our boiling point? What will it take for us to rise as one against this system of oppression? Thank you for speaking up and sharing your stories. Stay strong and I wish you all good health.

Posted on VENT by Byron Wilson VENT
Julia Posted 8 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
thank you for your response. Good luck with your investigations. On account of Portugal, I have this out of an interview with Johan Hari, the author of the book "chasing the scream". I give you the summary of the book on its website:

About the Book

It is now 100 years since drugs were first banned in the United States. On the eve of this centenary, journalist Johann Hari set off on an epic three-year, thirty-thousand-mile journey into the war on drugs. What he found is that more and more people all over the world are beginning to recognize three startling truths: Drugs are not what we think they are. Addiction is not what we think it is. And the drug war has very different motives to the ones we have seen on our TV screens for so long.

In his New York Times best-selling book Chasing the Scream, Hari reveals his discoveries entirely through the stories of people across the world whose lives have been transformed by this war. They range from a transsexual crack dealer in Brooklyn searching for her mother, to a teenage hit-man in Mexico searching for a way out. It begins with Hari’s discovery that at the birth of the drug war, Billie Holiday was stalked and killed by the man who launched this crusade – while it ends with the story of a brave doctor who has led his country to decriminalize every drug, from cannabis to crack, with remarkable results.

Chasing the Scream lays bare what we really have been chasing in our century of drug war – in our hunger for drugs, and in our attempt to destroy them. This book will challenge and change how you think about one of the most controversial – and consequential – questions of our time.

Have a good day,

HMB617 Posted 8 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
You are a lovely artist, William! Thank you for sharing your literary and aesthetic talents. Sending you all the best, - HMB

Posted on Hello out there! by William Goehler Hello out there!
mgrew078 Posted 8 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
Carlos, my name is Mitch. I really love your work it is incredible I really hope to hear more from you. I don't know if this message goes directly to you but if it does I really hope to hear back from you.

Posted on I'm In Too Deep by Carlos Brown I'm In Too Deep
Heatherlove Posted 8 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
Yeah. He did do somethings I am sure he ain't proud of. Our daughter is about to be a year old and I honestly don't I will ever be able to tell her where he is. Neither of us have went to see him cuz I don't want to bring a baby to a prison. He also is in Connecticut. Did your children Always know you were in jail. The father of my child only got 4 years and he got arrested May 13 2015 so I am hope that I never have to tell her where he is right now. He went from serving our country to serving time. I honestly just can't see him like that. And I hope some day he will understand. Not only me but for our daughter. I don't really want to bring her to prison. I know he has a son to and I know the woman don't even let him see his son but I aint trying to keep her away from him just don't want her to see her father like that. Around this time of year is hard tho I will always have love for him cz we did have a baby together. I wish you the best. And I hope your sentence isn't that bad. I know jail ain't great but your making the best out of it. Thank you for getting back to me Rich.

Christybird Posted 8 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
Dear Otis, thank you for sharing your story, your anger and your heartache. It seems very wrong to me to lock so many people away for so long. I learned today that almost 1% of people in the United States are in prison, and many of them are black men. As a society, I know we can do better than that. Keep sharing your thoughts & feelings, and know that there are people on the "outside" who are listening. Best wishes, Christine

Posted on Untitled by Otis Lee Rodgers Untitled
tigana Posted 8 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
My love - never give up - never lose sight of the goal. This is, ultimately, a fight you must pursue for yourself - and win for yourself. Before you can completely love another you must learn to love (and forgive) yourself. It's a long, arduous journey but the rewards make it worthwhile
I love you - before, today, and forever.

Posted on Comment Response by Steve J. Burkett Comment Response
sschweik Posted 8 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
Hi, Timothy, I'm an English professor, I teach poetry, and I feel great respect for the power of these poems of yours. The poems and your profile give me hope for you as you face the unknown. I'm wishing you, step by step, just what you need as you find home.


Posted on (2) Poems: Going Home; Iron Slab by Timothy J. Muise (2) Poems: Going Home; Iron Slab
SusanH Posted 8 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
Hi James. I know it's been over 3 years since you wrote this post but I just saw it this morning. I hope you will keep up the writing. What's a cellie? -Susan in Oakland

Posted on Solitary Confinement by James Collins Solitary Confinement
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