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Rita Posted 8 years, 5 months ago.   Favorite
correction: ... in 'himself' ;)

Posted on Guilt, Remorse, Redemption? Is It Possible? by Robert Pezzeca Guilt, Remorse, Redemption? Is It Possible?
Rita Posted 8 years, 5 months ago.   Favorite
Yes Robert, I did understand that Italian sentence and plan to do more study on that beautiful language! But I easily mix with my Spanish!
I saw on internet a man, relatively young, who speaks 11 languages!!
He does explain youngsters HOW to learn a new language.
I ADORE to study new languages!!! Like to learn after my Italian, Portuguese(I do understand everything, and can read it too, but don't possess the active speech.
Then study Swedish as well! :o
George jr 's mom had Swedish and Finnish roots. His dad of almost 93 (we visit his only son together, when his shofer(?) John brings me to the prison)- has German, English and Scottish roots. So, my athletic fiancé has 5 types of blood in him.(!). He is a good writer, is very musical!!!-he played the guitar-, he lifts weights, he runs long distances, he plays chess with many opponents in the free world, he did university in prison(science),and he's an activist. Also LOVES fashion! :)

Take care Robert and consider each single day as truly important!
I do care, Rita x

Posted on Guilt, Remorse, Redemption? Is It Possible? by Robert Pezzeca Guilt, Remorse, Redemption? Is It Possible?
Rita Posted 8 years, 5 months ago.   Favorite
dear Robert,

It says here on the blog you should receive this message by August 29th.; that is exactly today.:)But our time is +- 7 hrs ahead of yours, eh.
So I read your message today, as I arrived home yesterday, but was too tired to read it.It was a splendid workshop; next to painting we also had Biodanza! The origin I learned, laid in Chile. Claudio, a new Chilenian young artist-friend I met in the park,told me! He is divorced and has one small son of about 6/7 yrs.He lives here already many yrs. He worked always on boats, but takes now a course here, in Antwerp(en), to work in the caring sector.He's a real artist! He paints with his fingers on tiles.He offered me one lately.I gave him some invitation card when having an exposition in Buenos Aires, where I lived almost six yrs.
Because we talked that particular day in Spanish,being two artists too, we immediately were friends!I guess this is, because we were feeling a common artist link.;)
I saw Elke, his fiancé and a friend of his, took a photo from the 3 of us in the same park, sitting on a plaid. Now he sent me a very interesting link about painting portraits. A child coming into the world, looks for the features of his mom at first.Searches first for the eyes!:o So, we develop the art to look for features of people; going to paint towards portraits, etc.It's a long film, and being it that late to read my messages coming back home, it was too late to end the film.But the 2nd time one sees more!I will keep it.:)
Claudio wishes us to paint together.Cool,eh!
Each encounter is meant for a reason, Robert.:)So is ours.:)) We always are mirrors to each other.In fact, we see resemblances with ourselves.Yes, as you say, I've a lot of energy; Arieses have!I will have to see which zodiac sign you are? :)
Oh my, I have derived from my subject! Biodanza. People touch each other a lot, and hug, give kisses, caress each other and show love and dance!I've done one workshop in the past, I recall; but this one was just the max!!-smile
We were 21 women and men,of all ages.I knew three people there.Peter, a friend of Kathleen,(she is also a new friend of mine)drove me to the place, Hermeton.
Robert, George turned on June 28th 67yrs and was in jail from the age of 18...:o
When my ex Karel(we were married for 33 yrs)and me drifted apart in Argentina, I already started to be a pen pal to George jr. I decided to write to an American inmate and started with 2 men: George jr and Robert(o), a Mexican on DR.Now I'm writing to a few inmates. Tell you later who they are.
George and me- I divorced; Karel stayed in ARG, married my friend Mariana and we're still friends- grew friends and he's not only my cherished fiancé, but also my twin soul.:)))

Well, later will follow more about my life!

Does you daughter visit you at times, Robert? Yes, languages are powerful, but one has to be able to practice of course.
Good you met that young woman and some other friends on the blog.

A hug from Rita

Posted on Guilt, Remorse, Redemption? Is It Possible? by Robert Pezzeca Guilt, Remorse, Redemption? Is It Possible?
Calhoun25 Posted 8 years, 5 months ago.   Favorite
Article 1. Whether it is natural for man to possess external things?
Objection 1. It would seem that it is not natural for man to possess external things. For no man should ascribe to himself that which is God's. Now the dominion over all creatures is proper to God, according to Psalm 23:1, "The earth is the Lord's," etc. Therefore it is not natural for man to possess external things.
Objection 2. Further, Basil in expounding the words of the rich man (Luke 12:18), "I will gather all things that are grown to me, and my goods," says [Hom. in Luc. xii, 18]: "Tell me: which are thine? where did you take them from and bring them into being?" Now whatever man possesses naturally, he can fittingly call his own. Therefore man does not naturally possess external things.
Objection 3. Further, according to Ambrose (De Trin. i [De Fide, ad Gratianum, i, 1) "dominion denotes power." But man has no power over external things, since he can work no change in their nature. Therefore the possession of external things is not natural to man.
On the contrary, It is written (Psalm 8:8): "Thou hast subjected all things under his feet."
I answer that, External things can be considered in two ways. First, as regards their nature, and this is not subject to the power of man, but only to the power of God Whose mere will all things obey. Secondly, as regards their use, and in this way, man has a natural dominion over external things, because, by his reason and will, he is able to use them for his own profit, as they were made on his account: for the imperfect is always for the sake of the perfect, as stated above (Question 64, Article 1). It is by this argument that the Philosopher proves (Polit. i, 3) that the possession of external things is natural to man. Moreover, this natural dominion of man over other creatures, which is competent to man in respect of his reason wherein God's image resides, is shown forth in man's creation (Genesis 1:26) by the words: "Let us make man to our image and likeness: and let him have dominion over the fishes of the sea," etc.
Reply to Objection 1. God has sovereign dominion over all things: and He, according to His providence, directed certain things to the sustenance of man's body. For this reason man has a natural dominion over things, as regards the power to make use of them.
Reply to Objection 2. The rich man is reproved for deeming external things to belong to him principally, as though he had not received them from another, namely from God.
Reply to Objection 3. This argument considers the dominion over external things as regards their nature. Such a dominion belongs to God alone, as stated above.

Calhoun25 Posted 8 years, 5 months ago.   Favorite
Also, you could reread your books, this time adding commentary in the margins. Turn the books, if you can, into a “director’s cut” commentated by George Peter Jr. I had a teacher in high school who averred that writing margin notes is an art. They need to be pithy – terse but informative. If you can’t write in the margins, but have a paper and pencil instead, that would do as well. You might even compose an official commentary for each book you have, adding your two cents where you want – your critique and support – as well as elucidations, summarizations, interpretations, and anecdotes for your readers. Perhaps you can post these commentaries online later this year.
I think your analysis of the EU is spot-on. We’re still waiting to see exactly what will happen. Your comments on the American campaign are interesting as well. It’s difficult for those unemployed due to exporting jobs. Still, it seems like globalization and free trade are the better choice in the long run. Similarly, many horse carriage producers went out of business due to the widespread use of automobiles. In the short run, there was much pain; in the long run, it was better for society to decide on automobiles. “Creative destruction”, as they call it. I’m not suggesting consequences and utility are the only criteria for judging the worth of a policy decision. Still, they can often play a significant role. I actually learned the other day that the government funds college education, trade school education, and other programs to help displaced workers find employment, after they lost their jobs to foreign workers. I had no idea there were policies to abate the short term damages of globalization. I wish they were better advertised, promoted, and extended.
Anyway, that’s all for now. I pray your segregation will pass by quickly. To help you out, I attach an article by the famous theologian Thomas Aquinas on property. I hope it’s invigorating intellectually. Take care now.

Calhoun25 Posted 8 years, 5 months ago.   Favorite
Hey George,
First, about the brunch program. I read your article entitled, “First Amendment under Attack in Illinois’ Prisons: the Price of Dissent”. The brunch program appears to have been an instance of law inadequately and unequally applied. It is frustrating, to say the least, when great effort is expended at the legislative level, only to have it stymied during application. We all hear a lot about such-and-such federal law being passed, only for state or local governments to qualify their application. At the same time, this is part of the valuable system of checks and balances. It helps block unjust laws from being fully executed, just as much as it can frustrate the application of good laws. Hopefully there is a way to mitigate the worst instances of these problems, while maintaining the associated benefits. Anyway, kudos for getting tuna and fresh apples on the menu. A hearty fish meal and sweet fruit for dessert probably brightened the day for many inmates. At any rate, the brunch program is no more.
I pray your French has opportunity to grow and flourish. Learning another language is exciting, freeing, and intellectually stimulating. I know only a handful about Belgium: the capital is Brussels; Antwerp is one of its famous cities; the flag is blazoned black, yellow, and red; they were invaded during WWI, during which King Albert served on the front lines; and they are evidently famous for waffles and chocolate. Perhaps you can teach us a bit more about the place.
I can’t believe you got segregation for a magazine you don’t particularly care about, delivered without your particular consent. Can you have it so that you must approve and sign before receiving any mail? Since you are so deprived for six months, you could fill the gaps with your own creations. Maybe come up with a set of opposing arguments on major policy issues (abortion, taxes, immigration, foreign policy, guns, &c.), and commit them to memory. (If you have access to pencil and paper, even better.) It’s stimulating to set up an argument, and then an opposing argument. A mental game of chess. Perhaps at the end of such dialectic, you’ll have some interesting things to write about.
Here’s an interesting observation I’ve made: for many major policy questions, you can divide the question into a legal and moral component. To wit, “To what extent does this issue deal with government and law?”; “To the extent that this issue does deal with government and law, what should the government’s stance toward it be?”; and “Is there a related moral question about personal behavior? If so, what should a person in a situation involving e.g. abortion or drugs do?”

ZuzusPetals Posted 8 years, 5 months ago.   Favorite
Why yes, yes he does.
Don't you just love it? DOC will be eating crow. Heck, they are already. They should just get a clue, concede the demands, and call it a day.

Posted on Untitled by Timothy J. Muise Untitled
Gypsyskye54 Posted 8 years, 5 months ago.   Favorite
Trying to figure this one out!

Posted on No Days of Wine and Roses by Timothy J. Muise No Days of Wine and Roses
Gypsyskye54 Posted 8 years, 5 months ago.   Favorite
Wow! Your attorney knows his stuff!

Posted on Untitled by Timothy J. Muise Untitled
Robert Pezzeca Posted 8 years, 5 months ago.   Favorite
(scanned reply – view as blog post)

Posted on Guilt, Remorse, Redemption? Is It Possible? by Robert Pezzeca Guilt, Remorse, Redemption? Is It Possible?
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