Recent Comments Posted 9 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
LOL.... you're killing me!!!!

Posted on Comment Response by Kyle De Wolf Comment Response Posted 9 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
Other than hoping you're not serious about supporting Miley Cyrus, because other than her beliefs, which I don't much care about, she's rather irritatingly over-present. But that's not a crime, is it? Lol...

No but seriously, excellent writing! Wow...
Looking forward to sampling more!

Please, write back if you're able to. :)


Posted on The Latest by Kyle De Wolf The Latest Posted 9 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
Dear Timothy----

What can I say!? Bravo! I thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me the truth about the prison systems in this state. I have lived here for three years. I lived here from the time I was born till the year 2000 and returned recently. I am so glad in a bad way that my son, in the Ohio-DOC, 832 miles from here, 15 to life sentence, has no desire to move to a prison in Massachusetts. The above testimony certainly puts that in the can.

I work in a local ER, I met one of your unfortunate fellow residents, i'll call him Bubba to protect his anonymity and not violate anybody's HIPPA rights, was a big fellow that, in younger years would have been able to defend himself against the horrible facial beating he received. While no other part of his body was harmed, he received approximately $everal $1000s of $$$ worth of medical care in the ICU over the course of half a week.
This gentleman was in his late 60s.

In the State of Ohio, most of the districts have prisons where their elderly are moved to when they reach a certain point medically and otherwise. One of the lovely guards told me that the vicious beating that this man received was one of the worst he's ever seen.

Bubba appeared quite shocked when I suggested I send him a get well card in the mail. "Aht zheh pwhizshing?" He asked, through a mouth's swimming in blood, unable to move his jaw or mouth, to form the right words The swelling was that bad.
I'll say no other details, because I know a few. I don't want anyone in trouble.

I am shocked that Massachusetts, the ultra-liberal, progressive, modern state of the art state, beacon of freedom, proud, blah blah blah, and we have some of the best frail elder senior care available to the poorest of the poor , in the country I think. Except if you're a prisoner. if you're 67, or take a few years, of course you're not going to be able to fight back. Hes lucky to be alive. And unfortunately it's probably the beginning of the end. Just how quickly or slowly remains to be seen. I only hope his aftercare is sufficient.
I could say my heart has been broken, but sorry – it's only added to the scar tissue that's already there.
If a bunch of hayseed redneck bastards out in the Midwest know how to separate prisoners by age in order to protect their investments for at least a few more years until hopefully they do drop dead, take care of them, get them away from the younger guys.

counterintuitive .

What kind of assholes are running this state? Never mind, don't answer that, I already know.
If I were not here taking care of my mother who is very old, I would never have come back here. Not wild horses could have.
I'll be back to reading now...! Tysm

Posted on Untitled by Timothy J. Muise Untitled
TITEofCPT Posted 9 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
WOW Happy belated Thanksgiving Author and Beloved Neff. These 2 potent posts/Letters of Life have uplifted me to a Higher level within a few moments. The titles demand that U read NOW! The content makes U share NOW. U've come along way. "Don't Confuse Total Peace with Arrogance" the title alone answered a few ?'s about some Loved ones that I couldn't wrap my finger around, but it was the Truth in that Title and content that explained it. Great Wisdom.

The "SEEDS" piece made me reflect on my relationship with my own daughter, thank God she reads her Word everyday without me asking. I do need to step my positive more uplifting speech up concerning her and her Mom. Moms and Chris came thru for Thxgvn. 'Twas cool. Keep writing cuz the more U release the more U make room for more revelation, insight, more Truth, Love, acceptance and Forgiveness. I can often be referred to as Mr. DFK (Drama-Free-King) I'm not built for and neither is anyone else only thing is I know that. I don't even entertain it. Well looking forward to more Truth. KEEP STRIKING for God is GOOD no matter what, and nothing will ever change that. Christ up and Tite out~>

jedson303 Posted 9 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
Hi Dimitri --
I will be starting to put the long epistle you sent to me (twice, with variations -- I apologize again for that mix-up) into digital format this evening. Should be done in a week or so. I am very impressed with it.
I am appalled at how mindless and cruel the people in this country seem to be getting. I think a lot of it has to do with the sensationalism and misinformation that fills our public media. But that must be only part of the explanation.

Posted on Disrespect by Dymitri Haraszewski Disrespect
James Riva Posted 9 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
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Posted on Artwork by James Riva Artwork
Dymitri Haraszewski Posted 9 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
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Posted on Disrespect by Dymitri Haraszewski Disrespect
Jeremiah Ray Bond Posted 9 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
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Posted on Untitled by Jeremiah Ray Bond Untitled
Harlan Richards Posted 9 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
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Posted on Hypocrisy At Its Finest by Harlan Richards Hypocrisy At Its Finest
Harlan Richards Posted 9 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
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Posted on The Forum For Understanding Prison Needs... by Harlan Richards The Forum For Understanding Prison Needs...
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