Nov. 26, 2015

Comment Response

by George Peter Jr (author's profile)


Reply ID: efp8

Bonjour, ma cherie. Et comment vas-tu?

Your letter of September 29th just graced my doorstep, and I'll soon have one on its merry way over the Atlantic for your viewing pleasure. Hope that it brings as many smiles to your face as yours did to mine.

I've yet to receive any of the five postings you spoke of, and I'll keep an eye posted for their arrival. If they're being held up, we'll soon discover by whom, and we'll deal with it at that time. In the meantime, please keep them coming as scheduled.

Mon père sends greetings, and Too Tall sends a friendly parrot paw.

You are the brightest star on the darkest evening.



Replies (11) Replies feed

Rita Posted 9 years, 2 months ago. ✓ Mailed 9 years, 1 month ago   Favorite
Nr 5

hey George!!!! I just dicovered your answer!!My my.....
All is well here. I hope you get my answer though.

My foot is so so.... write you about it in a letter. You'll get one before Christmas; I wrote it good in time. ;))

I'll make a call to your dad very soon, ok? He was on the hunt, t hat'swhy I waited a little.
Ah my Friday... I got your letter TODAY! And felt VERY happy!!Nr: 256.

Love you sooooo mych! You know that,eh?

Enjoy your weekend. Good?
I've at appointment with the French Marion.

Rita Posted 9 years, 1 month ago. ✓ Mailed 9 years, 1 month ago   Favorite
nr 6

hey love,

My foot acts up now and the. :( I read on internet Glucosamine can help restore the 'cartilage'?Hope it helps me!??

Hey I got extremely good news at Bart's parents!At Simonne's and Jan's apartment.A very light and modern home they have! We ate excellent! Lynn was a little sick, well, now she's a little better.Nevertheless we walked outside to see the horses and some pony's.She always sings several songs.We were so very surprised as she said the sentences of a long song!!We didn't even know where she learned it!?She always amazes me...:o

Listen to this!! At our aperitive snacks Elke gave Simonne and me a big letter.The size of a double envelope of a regular letter.we had to read it in the same time. It showed a little girl glancing in a big bow with Handle With Care written on it.
And out of the box we saw a little hand reaching a small flower to the girl.
It read: 'Although I am still very small i'd like you to ask if you would be my GODMOTHER? Lots of love and till January,
Your newest godchild(??)

Oh, George I got chills on my arm and back just reading it!!I totally didn't expect this!:o

Simonne got the very same message. :) So, we will be two godmothers! No godfather this time. We accepted with a lot of enthousiasm of course! We took pictures wuth Elke and her nice belly in te front, me next to her and next Simonne on the couch.In our hands owing our diplomas, haha.
I am so proud to become a new grandma!!!She most probably will have another caeserian?On the 28th of January.:o

Lots of hugs, kisses and all the best my dearest sweetheart!xxx :)))

Rita Posted 9 years, 1 month ago. ✓ Mailed 9 years, 1 month ago   Favorite
correction: the front, showing our diplomas and... a new 'godmother'.

Rita Posted 9 years, 1 month ago. ✓ Mailed 9 years, 1 month ago   Favorite
nr 8

hello again,

George, can you please put the date of yours when you answer me? Thank!xxx from Rita

love you! :)

Rita Posted 9 years, 1 month ago. ✓ Mailed 9 years, 1 month ago   Favorite
nr 9

Happy new 2016 love! My wishes for a year full of inspiration, friendship,warmth and inner peace. :))

George, you didn't give the number of Joshua; but I guess I've found hum a young artist!She comes tomorrow and we'll talk about our art.
She has a beautiful name he will like a lot! I won't say it,as he has to discover it himself...

I will send you back two pictures from me and Adric as you don't 'see' his face.I know you like the piectures! ;))
My foot is doing a LOT better!

I got your letter nr 258. Busy writing you back.It's a busy time here!!Still I have to write to other people.Did your dad got his X-mas package?
I've had a call with Sallie; who we saw in the visit room. Remember? Jude enjoyed our politic chats.They told me they were impressed with you being so friendly,social... ;)
Well on the 31st of December Jude became FREE!!!He'll visit your blog I guess? I called her in the car on the 30th and they would pick him up at Centralia the next day!
I told her James went there; so, she would tell herson, Jude.Small world eh?

Take very well care of yourself, darling! Is it snowing? Here it's really warm for the time of the year! 2015 prooved the warmest year!

Muchos besitos de Rita! xxx

Rita Posted 9 years, 1 month ago. ✓ Mailed 9 years, 1 month ago   Favorite
nr 10

hello George,not yet a response.. so,I wait.

Sweet embrace from Rita x

Rita Posted 9 years ago. ✓ Mailed 9 years ago   Favorite
nr 11

hello love,

Today, the 28th of January Lars is born!

He weighs 3,4 kg and meaeures 51 cm. Mother and child are doing well! ;))

I am a proud grandmother!!

xxx from Rita

Rita Posted 9 years ago. ✓ Mailed 9 years ago   Favorite
hi George,

I hoped to see one or another answer.. no such luck.

This answer should come on the 15th of February? We'll see.

I will order today, 12th, my first trip to Amerika!! I will arrive on the 22th of June. In April,just for one day I wouldn't have a room... And May /June was not possible for me either.

I also went tp the funerals of a mothher of Simonne a block habitant. In a few days she would have turned 102 yrs!!

Have a great weekend, George!

love and xxx from your Rita :))

Rita Posted 8 years, 12 months ago. ✓ Mailed 8 years, 12 months ago   Favorite
hello dearest,

You'll receive this message on the 22nd, I can see here. Hope you do!

I was at the funeral today, the 20th, of the mother of Christine.I saw Philip who came over to bring a last greeting to his beloved grandmother.He returns today, Saturday.
It was a warm sevice and there were a lot of people!She was the wife of a doctor; he's 98 or even 99, but at this very moment he's in a clinic... His mind is going backwards, I heard. :(

I saw plenty of pictures of Claire's 5th birthday. Leslie sent them.She got a marvelous blue bicycle!With a purse in the front. Still with side wheels.Her party was in the park with all her friends.She got so many presents from them! They did games, they bricolated nice things, like a butterfly with diamonds on its wings, and very inventing activities. A birthday cake with princesses. You should see her face! Precious!
Tonight I'll call your dad.To thank him for sending the artwork of Smitty!!I wrote him a thankfull letter.:))) The artwork is on my rocking chair to look to every day.
Tonight I saw on tv a program of Rudyard Kipling, when he made his voyage to India.Very interesting it was!!

George, take care, and have a warm embrace from me! Love you!

xxx Rita

Rita Posted 3 years, 12 months ago. ✓ Mailed 3 years, 11 months ago   Favorite
hello George, It's a while I wrote here. Our snow melted, it'll be the last. Here all started with sore points on my trapezius muscle.(in the back) I got 18 sessions for it at he kinesist. Then an echo and RX proved I had an infection at a tendon on the left shoulder. The doctor prescribed 18 sessions more. I take medication for the infection.
Later on I fell with my bike in the garage! Well, it streched something inside, and it hurts under my under rib (swift rib?), at the left side.It will take a time to heal.Yesterday I felt real bad, but today all is getting easier.
Ingrid who I met on christmas, and me are real good companions and we do regulary walks with her two sm

Rita Posted 3 years, 12 months ago. ✓ Mailed 3 years, 11 months ago   Favorite
... small dogs: Zeppo is the male and Tess the female; two old dogs she adopted.They come from Spain. We plan to do other nature walks in a small group. Of 4 people, because of Corona. They divide the people in small groups so to walk together.
Our numbers of Covid go the good way!
Hey George, you surprised me with your FRENCH letter for Valentine!:))) It's sweet.-smile
It's a darling letter!... I smiled the whole time.:)Chéri had not an 'e' at the end, so was it meant for me? Naughty me!!
You lay your accents flat, just to escape to put them the proper way, haha ;)

Mariana has to have surgery on February 18th; she has breast cancer... :(
Karel took again the cortisone because of severe reumatism!
Let you know more by a letter that I'll send tomorrow, February 17th.
My Valentine card will arrive later, so look out for it!
xxx from Rita!

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