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Joel M. Cliett Posted 10 years ago.   Favorite
(scanned reply – view as blog post)

Posted on Untitled by Joel M. Cliett Untitled
Julia Posted 10 years ago.   Favorite
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post. Happy New Year to uou too. Julia

Posted on Compassion..... by Daniel Labbe Compassion.....
sgelinas87 Posted 10 years ago.   Favorite
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post. You are a very visual writer...

Posted on Comment Response: Blessing T. Shirley by Leonard Jackson Comment Response: Blessing T. Shirley
sgelinas87 Posted 10 years ago.   Favorite
William D. Linley ("David")
ID no. m-08788
Graham Correctional Center
P.O. Box 499
Hillsboro, Illinois 62049

Mitchel or Charlie,
Find enclosed a small donation for your ministry. I hope it is helpful. I’ve also enclosed a 3-pg letter as an update. I know it’s a round about way to submit a posting and I apologize in advance for any inconvenience. I’ve come to learn over the past 3-years that 50% of my updates with a similar content never reach the P.O. Box. I wonder if you ever received my suggestion about setting up a phone update process? It was last year when you were exploring the idea of charging a posting fee (monthly). I know I would be willing to pay for the certainty of free speech and unhindered access.
Anyway, a few of my trusted friends and I all feel that our nation is at a critical juncture, we are living in a moment which is the next phase of the civil rights movement. The events of history such as Revolutionary war, Civil War, Industrial Revolution, women’s rights
(Mitchel-Charlie Letter Cont.)
Movement, civil rights movement and the assassinations of MLK and Kennedy. What we do now, as a people, as a nation, will either turn our course back to being a model nation of justice and freedom -or-will quicken our decline as a relevant country in world history. It will unite us as a nation or will lead to our division which will open the door for our enemies to gain a real foothold here.
Submitting a voucher and using a different address increases the success of this reaching you. Please consider posting to my location. Using the normal process is always stopped for close review and only 50% (the happy, upbeat, positive views) ever reach the destination. Very frustrating.
Well, hope all is going well with your work, studies and ministry. Thank you for accepting my unusual route taken…
William D. Linley

Posted on Observation by Leonard Jackson Observation
sgelinas87 Posted 10 years ago.   Favorite
Reply # t7c7

Leonard Jermaine Jackson
P.O.Box 9106
Concord, MS 01742
January 6, 2015

Blessings T. Shirley;

May these thoughts find you vibrating at an elevated state.
First, yes you may use my words, but I am more than just words.
The experiences that I have endured and the circumstances that I suffer are only able to be put into words though a mind that perceives them. Most of my thoughts are not iterated; for who has ears to hear what the spirit says to the churches.
I await the grip of the lions paw to raise me from this shallow grave, so that I may put the capstone on the temple.
“Is there no help for the widows son”
I say these words because so many have given praise to my potential, but none has come to the aid of my cause. Most don’t even know that I stand convicted on a lie that I told which was an act of suicide of a weary soul.
I wasn’t tried by evidence of witness there is actually more evidence that proves that I am innocent than guilty.
So forgive me if I don’t light up over your observation of me. For I have been told how special I was since I was eight years old and sent to Brooklyn College for testing due to my 12.9 reading and 11.1 math scores. But my mother has a drug addiction and we didn’t have a place to call home.
So my chance to become great went obstructed and unnoticed until I’m sitting in prison doing an illegal life sentence. Who was to know that this prison cell would actually be a cacoon, and that I would continue to evolve into a butterfly. Although I’m still unable to spread my wings due to my fetters.
So I say again, yes you may utilize my words, but what about the hand that wrote them, the mouth that spoke them, and the mind where they continue to dwell.

Posted on Observation by Leonard Jackson Observation
KCee Posted 10 years ago.   Favorite
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post.

This was a great read, Zakee! I think nearly everyone struggles with resentments, anger, and trouble expressing their true feelings at least sometimes. But openness, honestly, vulnerability, and most of all forgiveness are the tools we need to break free from those emotional chains.

One of my favorite quotes has long been "Holding onto resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die." It's been attributed to everyone from Gandhi to Carrie Fisher, so I'm not sure who said it first! But I agree with it completely, and I bet you do too.



Posted on Hello World (Jan. 2, 2015) by Edwin J. Hutchison Hello World (Jan. 2, 2015)
KCee Posted 10 years ago.   Favorite
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post.


I can imagine how worried you are about your wonderful daughter. Sometimes it's hard to know how to reach out to a teenager because the last thing you want to do is push them away... but teenagers sure can be sensitive!

What really stood out to me was that you said you think your daughter has been trying to stop her best friend from hurting yourself. Of course I don't know your daughter, but that sounds like she's a very loving and compassionate person. Maybe she has gotten close to these chicks because she wants to try to help them?

I was 13 once, so I can tell you that at that age, what I most wanted was for my dad to just remind me that he loves me and is proud of me, and that it's okay for me to talk to him about anything that's bothering me or causing me pain. She probably does not want to worry you by sharing all the details of your teenage drama with you. Try to reach out to her gently and remind her of how special she is to you and how much you love her no matter what.


Posted on I Need Somegood Advise.... by Joel M. Cliett I Need Somegood Advise....
kittenkeeper Posted 10 years ago.   Favorite
Hello Shawn,

The temperature/climate thing definitely seems like something you (or others) could pursue. In Texas, there was a case where it was getting so hot in the corrections facility that inmates were actually dying of heat stroke. I am not sure exactly what system you are in, but some counties will have written regulations defining the acceptable temperature range to be maintained in the facility. If this isn't being followed, or doesn't exist, it may be an opportunity for action.

I also just want to say, I don't think imprisonment should just be punishment. It should also be a chance for rehabilitation. How can we expect people to rehabilitate if we barely treat them like human beings during their incarceration?

Best of luck to you,
S. Brown

phxfinn Posted 10 years ago.   Favorite
You had 3 letters posted this week. The letter about getting the PTSD group going, and 2 posts sent with the check. Aside to this, nothing was posted since August.

As for what you can do for people when you get out... I bet speaking to troops about the repercussions of untreated PTSD and Mental Illness would go a long way after what you've experienced!

Congrats on the PTSD group! I guess for now that's the best you can ask for by way of services.

Your latest letters were very deep! You are right, people need to fight for justice in this country.

Especially when it comes to how close this country is to falling apart politically and monetarily. Princeton just published a study sleeping that we are no longer a democracy but an oligarchy, run by some elite corporations, and laws are passed based on those corporations and not on the American majority. GMO food is a good example. 92% of Americans support labeling but a series of State attempts to label have been crushed, and while some states have passed them, at the federal level they are discussing a law that would disallow states from requiring GMO labeling. Disgusting since over 30 other countries label or ban outright GMO's. So we are no longer a democracy... Now what?!

On a positive, I'm going to try visit in late February or early March. I probably won't be able to provide notice so it might be a surprise visit. I'm working on a letter I'm get mailed out maybe next week.

Take care.

Posted on Our Moment by William D. Linley (David) Our Moment
dell213 Posted 10 years ago.   Favorite
Ladell E. Newsome
4900 Central Dr apt 78
Stone Mountain Ga 30083
new to area new me new start as life from los angeles contact me lets talk

Posted on Caged Buttafly by Maisha M. Durham Caged Buttafly
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