'Tip of the Spear' 'Wartime General' Narcissism knows no bounds. A cabal of half a dozen, promulgating the same old, same old that even extends to excoriating another lifer group. Shame on you #W66927
I just sent you some money that you should receive by Thursday of this week...$200. I would like you to respond to me some way that you received this money and let me know what the heck happened?
It is me Karen. I know I have been slow to initiate direct contact, I have had a ton of s*** going on. However, I promise to get to it asap within a week's time. I just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday. You are one month older that me. I was born in March of 63. Anyway, hope you have a good one.
Dear Nate, Nathaniel, Mr. Lindell, (I don't know what greeting you prefer), I would like to contact you. And I have tried. Via Facebook. 8 months ago. I am not playing with you. I have no ulterior motive. I just wish to correspond with you. If you are willing.
It is me Karen. I know I have been slow to initiate direct contact, I have had a ton of s*** going on. However, I promise to get to it asap within a week's time. I just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday. You are one month older that me. I was born in March of 63. Anyway, hope you have a good one.
I would like to contact you. And I have tried. Via Facebook. 8 months ago.
I am not playing with you.
I have no ulterior motive.
I just wish to correspond with you. If you are willing.
Tiffany McGee
Are you a navy veteran?