I'm well thanks. Firstly I'm sorry for the very late reply. I'm a student and work has kept me busy. You're childhood family get to togethers sound really intimate and wonderful. I have been lucky as well to have had that sort of closeness with family friends as part of a large Indian migrant community in the U.K. I hope that one day again you'll be able to reunite as a family like that and these difficult days will seem far away. Is your mom doing any better? Don't worry about keeping on making mistakes. Just never lose sight of a better tomorrow and keep making small changes to your actions and you'll arrive at forgiveness. No one is damned forever. In the end we're all just human and flawed but we have to keep on moving forward even though we can't see where we're going to end up.
All the best, keep well and have a Happy Christmas and a better New Year.
Hey D.J., Merry Christmas, sorry I have not replied sooner. I have not been feeling too good and have been working long hours so I run out of time. I could not read your last letter because it was wrote in pencil and it had all smeared. I can not afford to buy gifts this year because of my surgeries and getting behind in my bills. So no one is getting a gift. I am sorry about that also. Saw grandma and grandpa this afternoon and they seem to be doing okay. Well don't have much to say but Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas because I doubt I get back on before then. Love you, Aunt Dollie
It's Harlan. I'm swamped with school and haven't had time to write so I wanted to jot you a note through here. My letter that included a package of stamps was returned saying they couldn't find you at that address, or perhaps I got the address wrong, I'll check it when I have some time but it may not be until mid-January when the semester ends.
I hope you're well, I'm sorry my letter didn't get to you and it took me so long to write through here.
I'm well thanks. Firstly I'm sorry for the very late reply. I'm a student and work has kept me busy. You're childhood family get to togethers sound really intimate and wonderful. I have been lucky as well to have had that sort of closeness with family friends as part of a large Indian migrant community in the U.K. I hope that one day again you'll be able to reunite as a family like that and these difficult days will seem far away. Is your mom doing any better? Don't worry about keeping on making mistakes. Just never lose sight of a better tomorrow and keep making small changes to your actions and you'll arrive at forgiveness. No one is damned forever. In the end we're all just human and flawed but we have to keep on moving forward even though we can't see where we're going to end up.
All the best, keep well and have a Happy Christmas and a better New Year.
Hari (19/12/2014)
Merry Christmas, sorry I have not replied sooner. I have not been feeling too good and have been working long hours so I run out of time. I could not read your last letter because it was wrote in pencil and it had all smeared. I can not afford to buy gifts this year because of my surgeries and getting behind in my bills. So no one is getting a gift. I am sorry about that also. Saw grandma and grandpa this afternoon and they seem to be doing okay. Well don't have much to say but Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas because I doubt I get back on before then. Love you,
Aunt Dollie
It's Harlan. I'm swamped with school and haven't had time to write so I wanted to jot you a note through here. My letter that included a package of stamps was returned saying they couldn't find you at that address, or perhaps I got the address wrong, I'll check it when I have some time but it may not be until mid-January when the semester ends.
I hope you're well, I'm sorry my letter didn't get to you and it took me so long to write through here.