Hey Reck, I was just thinking of you and Shooter today. Finally, after all these years I got to see more than one. I didn't pay that much attention to them. The pictures in my mind are better. Hoping they will flash back ad you.
You and I had discussed family and raising children in one of our communications. I have to tell you I am so happy to see your Daughter writing to you. She seems like a wonderful young lady. It also seems that no matter your circumstances you showed your children how much you loved them and that is an incredible accomplishment!!! Be proud Sir!!
I send greetings and well wishes to you. I hope you are maintaining the strength to cope with your situation. It must be very difficult. Keep your head up my friend!! The following message is to Paul.
Ronnie is paying for his crimes. I read his blog and do not, nor have I ever seen him blame anyone else for his crimes. In one post he clearly states that it is his fault and he takes full responsibility. Just because he posted a blog about what if he had had a better role model, that does not mean he is shifting the blame. He is writing from his heart and what he writes is the truth. Possibly, things would have been different for him had he had the proper guidance. He is paying for his crimes DEARLY!! It is not too much to ask to be treated like a human being. Would you want to live everyday in pain?? Would you want to have cancer and be denied treatment?? Regarding his playing basketball, I am quite sure that he does not get much outdoor activity and he wants to play and he should be able to play without pain!! Regarding his grievances, he is not harming anyone and he is just asking to be treated like a HUMAN BEING. Search the internet and you will find a massive amount of literature regarding the horrible treatment and abuse of people not only on Death Row, but in prison in general.
You write that you had a rewarding career putting yourself in harms way to defend others, and that is wonderful. I, as a citizen of the U.S., thank you. However, it appears you have some unresolved hostility toward people who have committed crimes. I am sorry for whatever happened to you and I know that crime is horrible thing!! However,possibly, your time may be better spent getting therapy for your hostility, rather than tormenting people on death row. I notice there are others that you are tormenting also. This blog format is here to give guidance and positive feedback to those who are paying for their crimes. I, as a reader of this blog, find it very sad when I see that people post blogs meant to hurt. I am sure Jesus forgives Ronnie as he has confessed to his crimes. Furthermore, it has been many, many years since he committed his crimes and I am rather certain that he is a completely different person now, than the man who committed those crimes. Jesus, forgives us all as long as we repent. I am asking you, to find it in your heart, to please stop tormenting this man and others. Please try to resolve your anger in ways other than posting nasty feedback. I, when I navigate to this blog, like to see the positive things people have to say. If you do not like Ronnie, you have the choice to navigate away. I wonder, why you continue to follow his blog?? If you do not have anything nice to post, please navigate away and leave this man alone!! I hope you are having a great day!!!
On the 6th of August George has his paroling!!! I sent a strong letter to Jessica, his lawyer to be read outloud in front of the board of the 15 judges. He needs 8 votes and is free! Let us hope he succeeds.
Seems a tad ironic and surreal that you should tell me to man up and do something productive with my life. When have YOU ever done that.
I had a rewarding career putting myself in harms way to defend others. You, on the other hand, had a profligate career as a self indulging drug user, criminal and ultimately ending up on the row for murder. Not much difference between us then!
You are continuously blaming others for your situation and everything that happens. You put yourself where you are and you have created your medical problems by continuing to play basketball etc. when you knew the end result and now you want someone else to pick up the tab. Perhaps you are the one that should 'man up'
Hi Jack........good to see you are in a much better place..........both physically and mentally. I continue to hope that you will get the job that you want and need. Volunteering puts you in the shop window as a reliable worker and no doubt the powers that be will soon get round to giving you a paid job. I feel you have a lot to give back if you are given the opportunity.
Animals are a precious resource and for Karma to put the dogs together with you guys is life changing for both. If you could put the photos Marci is talking about on the blog that would be great. Your new profile page looks good and nice to put a face to a name. Your sister and her partner look happy and I hope they are around to lift you up when you need it.
I look forward to reading more on your experiences. A new post to your blog will be better for you rather than just replying to us. A reply will be tagged onto the end of your last post. Either way it will be good to hear from you.
Hi Tim......still spewing out your 'blog' I see. Nothing changed there (or anywhere else)then. I see your other reader gypsyrose continues to follow your words with bated breath. Joe Labs wife is Lynette as well isn't she! Oh and a flurry of eight comments from S Muise on the 4th. of July.........well the day is for celebrating isn't it. Barely even a transcription. I could do it but one of us having to type this bile is enough and best if it's you.
Hello, Billy, I'm sending this message on behalf of one of my pen pals, Khalid Shamsud'Diyn (aka "Bayh"). He asked me to tell you that he writes for a newspaper and read an article that you submitted for publication that he would like to talk to you about. He tells me that the prison authorities in Maryland have relaxed their policy in order for him to receive mail from other prisoners as long as they are sent third party without the address of either prisoner on the envelope. He would like you to send him a message via whichever contact you choose. He didn't tell me what the article was about or anything like that.
His address is: Khalid Shamsud'Diyn, Esquire #330816 B-C-704 Jessup Correctional Institute Post Office 534 Jessup, MD 20794-0534
Hi, I found it very interesting reading your post on the introduction of chairs into Stanley. It's incredible how something so simple that we all take for granted becomes so important when it's absent. I guess we should thank God for small mercies.
You and I had discussed family and raising children in one of our communications. I have to tell you I am so happy to see your Daughter writing to you. She seems like a wonderful young lady. It also seems that no matter your circumstances you showed your children how much you loved them and that is an incredible accomplishment!!! Be proud Sir!!
Best Regards,
I send greetings and well wishes to you. I hope you are maintaining the strength to cope with your situation. It must be very difficult. Keep your head up my friend!! The following message is to Paul.
Ronnie is paying for his crimes. I read his blog and do not, nor have I ever seen him blame anyone else for his crimes. In one post he clearly states that it is his fault and he takes full responsibility. Just because he posted a blog about what if he had had a better role model, that does not mean he is shifting the blame. He is writing from his heart and what he writes is the truth. Possibly, things would have been different for him had he had the proper guidance. He is paying for his crimes DEARLY!! It is not too much to ask to be treated like a human being. Would you want to live everyday in pain?? Would you want to have cancer and be denied treatment?? Regarding his playing basketball, I am quite sure that he does not get much outdoor activity and he wants to play and he should be able to play without pain!! Regarding his grievances, he is not harming anyone and he is just asking to be treated like a HUMAN BEING. Search the internet and you will find a massive amount of literature regarding the horrible treatment and abuse of people not only on Death Row, but in prison in general.
You write that you had a rewarding career putting yourself in harms way to defend others, and that is wonderful. I, as a citizen of the U.S., thank you. However, it appears you have some unresolved hostility toward people who have committed crimes. I am sorry for whatever happened to you and I know that crime is horrible thing!! However,possibly, your time may be better spent getting therapy for your hostility, rather than tormenting people on death row. I notice there are others that you are tormenting also. This blog format is here to give guidance and positive feedback to those who are paying for their crimes. I, as a reader of this blog, find it very sad when I see that people post blogs meant to hurt. I am sure Jesus forgives Ronnie as he has confessed to his crimes. Furthermore, it has been many, many years since he committed his crimes and I am rather certain that he is a completely different person now, than the man who committed those crimes. Jesus, forgives us all as long as we repent. I am asking you, to find it in your heart, to please stop tormenting this man and others. Please try to resolve your anger in ways other than posting nasty feedback. I, when I navigate to this blog, like to see the positive things people have to say. If you do not like Ronnie, you have the choice to navigate away. I wonder, why you continue to follow his blog?? If you do not have anything nice to post, please navigate away and leave this man alone!! I hope you are having a great day!!!
Best regards,
On the 6th of August George has his paroling!!! I sent a strong letter to Jessica, his lawyer to be read outloud in front of the board of the 15 judges. He needs 8 votes and is free!
Let us hope he succeeds.
Love an take care, Kelly!
x Rita
I had a rewarding career putting myself in harms way to defend others. You, on the other hand, had a profligate career as a self indulging drug user, criminal and ultimately ending up on the row for murder. Not much difference between us then!
You are continuously blaming others for your situation and everything that happens. You put yourself where you are and you have created your medical problems by continuing to play basketball etc. when you knew the end result and now you want someone else to pick up the tab. Perhaps you are the one that should 'man up'
Animals are a precious resource and for Karma to put the dogs together with you guys is life changing for both. If you could put the photos Marci is talking about on the blog that would be great. Your new profile page looks good and nice to put a face to a name. Your sister and her partner look happy and I hope they are around to lift you up when you need it.
I look forward to reading more on your experiences. A new post to your blog will be better for you rather than just replying to us. A reply will be tagged onto the end of your last post. Either way it will be good to hear from you.
Stay strong,
Chin up!
I'm sending this message on behalf of one of my pen pals, Khalid Shamsud'Diyn (aka "Bayh"). He asked me to tell you that he writes for a newspaper and read an article that you submitted for publication that he would like to talk to you about. He tells me that the prison authorities in Maryland have relaxed their policy in order for him to receive mail from other prisoners as long as they are sent third party without the address of either prisoner on the envelope. He would like you to send him a message via whichever contact you choose. He didn't tell me what the article was about or anything like that.
His address is:
Khalid Shamsud'Diyn, Esquire #330816 B-C-704
Jessup Correctional Institute
Post Office 534
Jessup, MD 20794-0534
Hannah S.
All the best,
Hari Prabu