The article above explains some important parts of the Native American culture in an easy to understand way and it surprised me to see somebody would still think the sacred sweat lodge ceremony is about eliminating one's wrongdoings by hurting himself after reading it. Right on the beginning of the article is explained the ceremony is used for purification of one's mind, body and spirit.
Becoming aware of your wrongdoings and feeling bad about them is only a little part of it and not the reason why people sweat, but focusing on this aspect would I say making gifts and doing things for others is by far more selfish. It's like buying your way out instead to admit to yourself you did wrong and work on your personal shortcomings. The people who become aware of their wrongdoings during the sacred sweat lodge ceremony feel the shame and get the chance to work on themselves so they can do better from then on. It is really not "a stupid thing" to do, but a sacred ceremony that doesn't hurt or kill those who practice it. It makes as much sense to sweat and become aware of your wrongdoings as it makes to go on Sunday to confession and tell a stranger about it, who'll then say you'll be forgiven if you pray and don't do it again.
Each religion has its own rites and ceremonies for this purpose and as long as somebody hurts only himself in the name of his religion, is it a personal choice he makes and should be respected as religious freedom. It only becomes a problem if people hurt OTHERS in the name of their religion, which has happened in the past. Sadly didn't it cause as much concern and outrage as the sacred sweat lodge ceremony.
It is solved the phone problem! I will now go for a visit to Clementine. She always asks for you, George. :-) Still cold her in Belgiem! :-( What about there? I started my text yesterday evening, from the tango.
Agnes from Inside Outside, IO, asks us all to write to Texas for acting against the murders on Death Row.It sounds like this: Death Penalty is a violation of human rights, is degrading the human dignity and is no longer accepted in modern civilized countries. The USA has more methods of execution (5) than any other country in the world, and they use them all: gassing, electrocution, firing squads, hanging and chemical poisoning. There are alternative punishments to guarantee safety to the world. Executions are immoral, whether they are public beheadings in Saoudi Arabia, public shootings in China, or prison executions in the USA/Texas... European drug manufacturers have stopped selling their drugs to states which execute people.
We write those to Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles, to the governor Rick Perry, to the ambassy of Amerika and to the Netherlands Business Support Office. Many will write!! They are now in Texas at nr 500 pretty soon!................
a volunteer to fight against this cruelty, your love, Rita xxxxxxxx
Becoming aware of your wrongdoings and feeling bad about them is only a little part of it and not the reason why people sweat, but focusing on this aspect would I say making gifts and doing things for others is by far more selfish. It's like buying your way out instead to admit to yourself you did wrong and work on your personal shortcomings. The people who become aware of their wrongdoings during the sacred sweat lodge ceremony feel the shame and get the chance to work on themselves so they can do better from then on.
It is really not "a stupid thing" to do, but a sacred ceremony that doesn't hurt or kill those who practice it. It makes as much sense to sweat and become aware of your wrongdoings as it makes to go on Sunday to confession and tell a stranger about it, who'll then say you'll be forgiven if you pray and don't do it again.
Each religion has its own rites and ceremonies for this purpose and as long as somebody hurts only himself in the name of his religion, is it a personal choice he makes and should be respected as religious freedom. It only becomes a problem if people hurt OTHERS in the name of their religion, which has happened in the past. Sadly didn't it cause as much concern and outrage as the sacred sweat lodge ceremony.
Still cold her in Belgiem! :-( What about there? I started my text yesterday evening, from the tango.
Agnes from Inside Outside, IO, asks us all to write to Texas for acting against the murders on Death Row.It sounds like this: Death Penalty is a violation of human rights, is degrading the human dignity and is no longer accepted in modern civilized countries. The USA has more methods of execution (5) than any other country in the world, and they use them all: gassing, electrocution, firing squads, hanging and chemical poisoning.
There are alternative punishments to guarantee safety to the world. Executions are immoral, whether they are public beheadings in Saoudi Arabia, public shootings in China, or prison executions in the USA/Texas...
European drug manufacturers have stopped selling their drugs to states which execute people.
We write those to Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles, to the governor Rick Perry, to the ambassy of Amerika and to the Netherlands Business Support Office.
Many will write!! They are now in Texas at nr 500 pretty soon!................
a volunteer to fight against this cruelty, your love, Rita xxxxxxxx