May 13, 2013

Comment Response

by Chris Hall
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Comment Response
(Feb. 25, 2013)


Reply ID: v4u8

Neal: Hey Bud! Thanks for the letter, it's good to hear from you.

Yeah, I still don't think it's a good thing that it's getting so dark. Not saying you think so either, I just hear some evangelists that sorta make it sound as if it's a good thing that we are slipping more into a Godless country. It's almost as if they say that those of us who do remain true to the Faith are stronger because of it... in so many words. And like that, we shine brighter 'cause everyone else is in darkness... enslaved to passions and vices, addictions, etc. So the Glory of God, His essence, Virtue and being shines more distinctly in us because it is rarer than in another time.

I forget the names of the saints that I learned this from, but this is why I don't think the general culture of Spiritual darkness is such a good thing. OK, God is an infinite being. And He will pour Himself into us and come to dwell in us to meet our desire and willingness to allow Him to pour Himself into us. And even if we desired a great amount and didn't grieve the Spirit, and cooperated with the Spirit and He came to dwell more and more within us... our finite frame could never contain Him. Nor could yours, or ours, or the whole nations or worlds. He still would have Glory left over just waiting for a vessel to inhabit. So the more vessels, Temples, believers, the better. Not just for them, or us, but for everyone. 'Cause if the light of God is shining in you, it's spilling over into others' lives around you. And if in me, then His light within us is making an even bigger combined light. And even for believers with less zeal (which is me a lot of times) but even us, even if our desire for Him isn't what it should or could be at times... He is pouring Grace into our souls and all these little bits create a great big light that God is showing His glory in this world. Like moonlight. The light isn't from us, it's His light, just reflected off of us. And even enlightening those who aren't looking for Him.

I really appreciate your prayers, I'll pray for you as well. We'll need all we can get. Satan may be disarmed but it's not unfair 'cause he's still fighting... and still deluding people, and still causing lies and wars and misconceptions and sins and death... just like he always has. And still dragging souls to hell. The fight may be over in the long run for him, but it's still being waged in the meantime for me and for you and for Beth and for all the living believers and otherwise... we're still in danger of falling away and dying eternally.

Which Psalm was it that said... "sit here until I make your enemies your footstool"? Christ is definitely sitting, definitely entered into God's rest... but that "until" part is still going on. We still gotta wage an unrelenting war against the beast. Or like Gen 3:15 says "Crush the Serpent's head"!

Man, I get off track a lot of times, then I get disappointed with myself for wasted time spent coveting, complaining, etc... but thanks for your letter... sorta reinvigorates me knowing that there are quite a few of us out here...

What do you think about ole girl buhogrunon? I think she's really a closet believer like Nicodemus, she just pretends that she isn't! Time will tell, huh? :)

Take care of yourself, Neal, and pray with me that God will grant Beth the Grace of Faith to believe. 'Cause without His Grace to open her eyes, she can't believe even if she wanted to.

May God continue to shine His presence down upon you through the Spirit of His son, Our Lord Jesus Christ.



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