8:24 a.m.
Getting Along
Getting along with each other requires more than compliance, it calls for cooperation. Validate the other person's feelings! Never try to talk someone out of how they feel. Listen without being defensive, and nod that you understand, even when you don't agree. Feelings aren't always true or logical, but, until they're validated, you won't get anywhere. When you are willing to emphasize with someone's feelings, it says, "I care about our relationship more than our differences; you matter to me."
Sure, it's a sacrifice to patiently absorb somebody's anger, especially when it's unfounded, but remember: that's what Jesus does for you!
Confession is a powerful tool. When you can admit your own flaws, it defuses the other person's anger because they're expecting you to be defensive. Don't make excuses or shift blame, just acknowledge your part.
Rechell Williams III #V-69138
Corcoran State Prison, CA
2016 aug 5
2016 jul 25
2016 jun 25
2016 jun 13
2016 may 28
2016 may 26
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