June 11, 2013

Comment Response

by William D. Linley (David) (author's profile)
This post is in reply to comments on:  Hello World! (3/8/2013) thumbnail
Hello World! (3/8/2013)
(March 23, 2013)


May 25, 2013 (Saturday)

William D. Linley #M08788
Graham Correctional Center
P.O. Box 499
Hillsboro, Illinois 62049

Hi phxfinn!

Updated my visitor list if that still works out in your travel plans with Sis.

Great to hear from you again! Thanks for the interesting info on the water testing and positive influences. I've never heard that before.

With summer here getting more excercise, but all the rain keeps the yard too muddy for running. Only 1 or 2 chances a week to get in some miles.

The #1 Warden retired yesterday. So this will be the thrid Warden in a year. The first month is always stressful as rules change, searches change and guards tend to be more rigid to prove themselves. It's not the hardship, but the inconsistancy that causes stress. One day you can walk to the library unmolested, but the next day your "surprised" with a full shakedown and you don't know whether or not you'll end up in seg because your shoelaces are tied wrong...

Until next time...



Replies (1) Replies feed

wolfkeeper Posted 11 years, 8 months ago. ✓ Mailed 11 years, 8 months ago   Favorite
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post.

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