Aug. 22, 2011

I Think I Cried Last Night

by Michael Cropps (author's profile)


I Think i Cried Last Night

I think i cried last night but i really dont know
My vision was blurry and i got lost in my memories
I wish i could press rewind and turn back the hands of time
I think i cried last night but i really dont know
The streets was all i thought about i called myself chasing that dow
Now youre alone when you need me the most
I think i cried last night but i really dont know
I'm so sorry for being selfish and self centered
But times have changed and i really did grow
I matured so much i just wanted to let you know
I hope one day you can foregive me but if not i
understand and i will always love you
I cried last night


thank you for your comment. im glad you like my writings
I will be sure to redue i messed up bad

To; jenncropps

Whats up jenn Im glad you like my writings
i had to shake this depression solitary confinement can be stressful sometimes
and i cant write
but i have a few writings that i started but never finished that i will be posting
i hope you like them

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Replies (6) Replies feed

brittmarie0493 Posted 12 years, 10 months ago. ✓ Mailed 12 years, 10 months ago   Favorite
i really hope you keep up with this i love reading you things, i hope you your doing okay, i guess writing helps somewhat as an outlet

Michael Cropps Posted 12 years ago.   Favorite
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Michael Cropps Posted 11 years, 10 months ago.   Favorite
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EricaJM Posted 9 years, 7 months ago. ✓ Mailed 9 years, 7 months ago   Favorite
I loved your open and nice picture i hope your either free now or out of solitary! good luck darling!

Michael Cropps Posted 9 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
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Natasha1432 Posted 9 years, 6 months ago. ✓ Mailed 9 years, 6 months ago   Favorite
Thank you for your comment. I'm glad you like my writing. I just posted two poems and two pics a few weeks ago. I'm still incarcerated and have a few more years to go. it will be good to hear from you again. take care of your-self

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