Nov. 13, 2013

A Eulogy for William

by Timothy J. Muise (author's profile)




"To have faith is to be
sure of the things we hope for,
to be certain of the things we
cannot see. It was by their
faith that people of ancient
times won God's approval. It
is by faith that we understand
that the universe was created
by God's word, so that what
can be seen was made out of
what cannot be seen." (Heb 11:1-3)

Billy's legacy isn't
Winter Hill. It is not what
overzealous reporters will write about or
where he spent the last 20+
years of his life. Billy's
legacy is what cannot be seen
by those on the fringes of our
society. A society of men
and women bound together by one
man. A man who's impact on
the lives of those around him,
can be seen by the generations
who will follow.

His legacy is the blessings
that God has bestowed on him
that allowed him to have the
impact that he did.

The blessing of a beautiful
wife, who together, became one of
the greatest love stories of our
generation. Anyone who met one,
was sure to hear about the other!

Their love transcended every
obstacle that was placed in their
path; every mile that separated
them; and every hindrance that
had to be overcome - they did
it together and was made all
the stronger because of it.

That love manifested
itself into another blessing; one
that will carry his legacy far
into the future - their children.
"Of all the things", he once told
me as he pointed to a family
photo on the wall, "that's my legacy!"

He would stare at that
picture, as it showed off three
generations of the Barnoski brood.
And in that way that way only Billy
could pull off he'd tap the
photo and say "My little thing
created all that."
He was the theme of Holly's
school project entitled, "The person
I most admire..."; the focal point
as Tara prepared to enter the
sacrament of Holy Matrimony;
the toughness displayed as
Brandie knocked-out many of
smart ass school boys; the
never give-up spirit of Rosie. And
at its most sublime, the
inspiration for baby Liam's name.
His legacy had no bounds... nor
did it have restrictions.

His faith in God, and
his very personal relationship
with Him, allowed Billy, the
opportunity to spread God's word
and build the Catholic Community-
wherever it was! Whether it
was inviting men to encounter a
Cursillo Weekend or just come to
a service. Billy, always made
the opportunity to extend an
invitation; to increase the flock or
provide that missing piece that
helped to bind a troubled soul.
He stood up at baptism's and
sponsored Catechumen. Said,
"Yes" to serve as Eucharistic
Minister and never wavered in
the responsibility as a lector.

But arguably one of his
greatest blessings is the gift
God gave him; that without it,
none of this would be possible,
and that is his legacy as a
teacher. Or as he so aptly
described "his job of being a
pain in the ass!"

They say a teacher
effects all eternity because
you never know when their
influence ends. To me, that
is his greatest legacy. His
presence wont be missed
because he had a hand in all
we do, rather, he will be missed
because his guidance was needed
in all we do. That voice of
assurance and stability, which taught
us all how to be better than

I love you Papa. Thank
you for the blessing of a family and
I'm blessed to carry out your legacy.


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